Saturday, November 29, 2008

The Choice of Revered Term to call God

The controversy over the right to call God "Allah" in the national language, Malay, is again taking centre stage, with the ongoing legal proceedings (Bob Teoh-Mysinchew and Malaysiakini and reproduced in the Catholic Weekly-the Herald). It is causing an emotional drain and pricky feelings in certain quarters. Since the shift of policy from English medium to the National language for schools, our children speak and breathe the National Language which is Malay and hence people are more conscious of terms used. "Allah" is considered the correct and more precise term to call God, in Malay, our National Language however the usage of "Allah" to refer to God, has met with serious objections from relevant bodies.
To me, as a ordinary person and a church going person, it really does not matter whether God is "Tuhan" or ""Allah" in the national language because by whatever term, He is God, our Creator and our Father in Heaven. To me, life has been given us, and through the gift of life, we are given a chance to prove our worth in this material world. From the very moment of life, the journey , back to the spiritual world -the return home to the Creator and the Father begins. All of us have been given the right of choice-and that choice will determine our pathway home, but ultimately, I believe, in the final lap, it will converge into just one passage leading before God. I believe there is only one Supreme Being, only one God, irrespective of our choice in religion, irrespective which passage, we chose to travel in.
The draining of peace and good relations and the ugly emergence of resentment and misunderstanding, over the use of one term. What a complete waste of good energy. "God," "Allah", "Tuhan", it is just a revered term to acknowledge the Supreme Lord and Father. What matters is the Faith, the Heart, the Belief , the Worship and Reverence of the heavenly Father. Lord, grant us this day, the gift of a generous heart that we may reach out to one another and share in your love for us.

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