Saturday, October 31, 2009

A call for Prayers

Marie was very touched by two individuals today, one eighty and the other in her seventies. Both had travelled uneven and rough paths in life, but you know what folks? They love life here on earth despite their sickness and their pain. Infact they weep not because they are very ill but because they are afraid, their time may be near. They are fighting to live a little longer and are being very vocal about it. This dear gentleman was weeping as he shared his desire to find a cure for his ailment and continue on with his life. He wants to see his young grand children grow up. He wants to be part of their journey. Incredible!The other suffered a stroke and is totally dependent on others for her needs. Since her stroke, she felt alienated and she suffered lonliness but yet surprisingly, she has a strong will to live.
Makes one ashamed because , when life whips us a little, we scuttled into our little corner and start questioning our very existence ; the why, why, why.. etc...etc...We wish life could just end... , we want out , so on and so forth. Let's be honest about it. Some people go through such emotions at some point of their journey's path. But these two individuals wants to live despite their pains and their sufferings. Friends will you join me in saying a little prayer for them???For the eighty year old, Marie prays he lives to a healthy and strong 100. To the other, may God brings love and joy back into her life. Let her become independent and walk again. God Bless , and many blessings for your kind prayers!
Folks! All Saints and All Souls day is around the corner and as we pray for the souls of our dearly departed, let us also spare a thought for our own journey. One day, we too will have to leave and go home.
Dear Friends, have we given the best, our 200% to the tasks entrusted us ,here on this earth? Have we given our loved ones, the very best? Have we left enough good footprints on the passage of life that may serve as a guide to others travelling behind??? Let's take a proper look at our own journey travelled thus far and reflect. Reflect, my friends, reflect! And while there is still time, do what you need to do...start with the simple...the love message....Live and leave with good and cherish memories..not regrets..

Sunday, October 25, 2009

"Higher Hands are leading me", that hymn always and Marie means, always, causes her tears to flow. Marie was touched when "Come as you are" , invited her to go to the Lord, just as she is, unkempt and with all her blemishes, no worries.....but that hymn ...Higher Hands...really, really choked her up emotionally. Marie teared not because she was sad, or hurt but those were tears of reassurances..... of being found and knowing that all is well. Friends have you ever been lost as a child and wondered around in a daze, and in cold sweat crying out for your mum and dad.. and then suddenly, you see them runing towards you and when they reach you, held you so tightly in their arms...that all of a sudden, you let go of all the fear and the pain and you started brawling like crazy, because you know that you are now safe in loving arms??? That's exactly the feeling each time, I sing Higher Hands ....Reassurance and being re-assured.

Marie cooked this morning, chicken curry but all the time, the beautiful lyrics of this powerful song played over and over in her head. Her heart continued to be touched. It was a good thing, she cut and sliced tons of onions, because her eyes continued to brim over. There is a good chance, the chicken curry tasted extra salty and perhaps extra oomphy even, because "Higher Hands" lifted her up this morning. And yes, the tears that washed her eyes had cleanse them as well,giving her clarity of sight.......enabling her to see her way clearer.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Something about Being Holy.

Last evening, I was at this nice little gathering and someone, in jest , remarked that so and so is so holy that he could almost see the saintly halos over the other's head. To Marie, no one is holy except God. Yes, we try very hard but somehow disco music drowns out, our songs of goodness and we ended up, having wicked thoughts in our hearts and minds and really Not So Good. Perhaps ..bad, real bad..even.
Sometimes, we may even face spiritual attacks in the course of our quest just to be a little, remember, I said, a "little".... religious. Whatever good we try to do, gets submerged when the sinful side of us ,hopped in and rock the boat, the joyful glee of the little black creature with horns ... Yah, life is a constant struggle to be good. I had read that Mother Teresa had her daily troubles and struggles with her faith as well, sometimes questioning, just as we do and she ended up praying very hard for God to be the centre of her life. St Augustine was known for his not so saintly ways but the grace of his mother's prayers became his blessings. He ended up as one of our greatest saints today (my views ) Even our Lord, in his human form, had his own struggles and moments of weakness and He too resorted to Prayers .. I only wish, we could be Holy, but really in this bad bad world of sweet temptations and self centreness, we can only pray to stay within the grace of God's holiness, then perhaps, some of His goodness may grace our lives. .

Yours Truly, needs constant prayers, just so that her Bad side does not surface too often, so brothers and sisters, could you spare a prayer, for Marie?

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Thy Grace, Thy Wisdom Oh God, guide and direct my steps that I find total fulfilment in Thy Providence, in Thy Love , Dear God!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Morning grace

This morning, a piece of paper came crusading towards my feet and upon picking it up, there were these quotes staring up, almost impishly into my face...

  • Every good thought you think is contributing its share to the ultimate result of your life ( Grenwille Kelser) and that people, is good things .
  • People become really quite remarkable when they start thinking that they can do things. When they believe in themselves, they have the first secret of success. (Norman Vincent Peale)

Somehow the words of our Lord came to mind, " For Truly I say to you, if you have faith as a grain of mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, "Move hence to younder place, and it will move; and nothing will be impossible to you." Matthew 17:20

Wow! Talk about an early morning reminder to substain the challenges of the day!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

In Thy Holy Name I banish Fear, Oh God! , In Thy Living Mercy, I walk forth in Confidence; Thy Holy Spirit Empowers me Lord, Thou Stand Supreme in the face of the Heavens and the Earth! Glory! Glory! Glory! to You, God and Father!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

I call upon Thy spirit, Thy strength; Thy mighty power Oh God! Protect and Shield Lord! A loved one calls out to Thee. Let even the echoes of my call, touch Thee Oh God, Let Thy healing breath cover me ,Father and God that I, rest in Thy indulgent care for ever! Praise be to God forever!


Your Love, Oh God, exhilarates! This joy, resounding! This peace radiating; a heaven of contentment! Glory to You, my Lord God, forever and ever!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

As Marie sat and listened to the gospel readings and the homily this morning, it occurred to her that she would also have acted exactly like the rich man who sought the kingdom of God, but could not give up his worldly treasures to follow Jesus.. ....if she were ever in that situation. . (not that she has the wealth to give up of course). Giving up everything is easier said than done especially if one has to turn away from family, loved ones and at the same time give up whatever treasures and wealth in our possession. Weakness is in our blood.. That is why Marie admires those who dedicate and devote themselves to God- The people who place God foremost in their lives. This group of religious and priestly people are a class of their own in an earth full of ordinary beings, who as humans, probably places 'self ' above service to God . Yours truly is one guilty soul.
But then again, surely the Lord did not speak literally, that all rich men cannot enter the kingdom of Heaven. If that is so, there would not be wealth or riches in this world. If one is rich, but generous in spirit and soul, the kingdom of God is more than open to us; that is, if one allows God to lead our lives. When we do that, we are like little children before Him , our spirit becomes meek unto Him to do his bidding. We need the rich to help the poor, the needy etc..etc..We need money for the basic needs in life. When we are rich in wealth, but also rich in our love for God; surely then, heaven will not closed its doors upon our good virtues. Everyone is given their talents; it just meant, the rich has got their five talents and if they put it to good use, they too shall receive their reward.

The Bible is a living Book of wisdom and believe it or not, it does follow the changing of the times. To Marie that is...Many things could be interpreted in accordance with the present. One has to read the Word of the Lord with wisdom......(pray for the wisdom to flow upon us)..... read and reflect ...then, only then, clarity comes. Reading the Bible, requires a little meditation, and with it, the words comes alive and solutions to the numerous questions in life becomes clear. People, Have you ever felt, you needed answers and upon opening the Bible, you see the answers staring out at you from the very page you opened? You were amazed, were you not??? Happy Reading Folks, let the Bible speak to you!

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Reaching out to the Lord My God

Your Presence by my side
Oh God,
Lifts up my spirit
and rejuvenates my soul.
This day I dedicate to You, Lord,
Thy Strength , Thy Shield
sees me through Oh God!
Thy wisdom my insight,
Thy spirit the gentle guide ,
my every action be!
Stand by my side Oh God!
That I, in favoured grounds

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Rustic & charming- beautiful that's Our Lady of Lourdes Chapel in Klang. But there is nothing like having a Eucharistic celebrations in the church building itself. Somehow the atmosphere is not the same, but I must say, it is a great place to conduct a healing session and for people who wants to meditate quietly. To me, kneeling works, especially in front of the crucifix , that would be my place of prayer and worship, the next time, I step into the Chapel. People have you spend some time meditating in the Chapel yet?

Tuesday, October 6, 2009


Oh God, How I honour You, the love You have given me; the fulfilment, my prayers to You!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Reflections - Sunday's Homily -Marriage

The institution of marriage is sacred to the Catholic Church and of course all Catholics, born from the scripture's teachings that a woman is made from the rib of a man because God, wanted the man He created to have a companion, a soul mate so that he, the man may not be lonely and will enjoy a meaningful life. This is further reflected in the teachings of the Lord' Jesus that" what God has put together, let no man put asunder; and that is why a man must leave his father and mother and join with his wife and the two shall become one body." Beautiful! a powerful promise of love " till death do us part".
This is a promise which sits on the foundation of responsibilities and trust. It requires alot of sacrifice, compromise, giving, understanding and alot of faith in God (the bond sealing the union- Marie always believe that there must be a common faith for a marriage to survive)
Once upon a time, the promise to love and support each other through good times and bad times, and in sickness and health may be the perfect formula for a wonderful marriage because, then- a Promise is forever. When a woman marries a man, her future is made. She has a man to look after her and love her for life. Today, with sound of the worldly disco blasting so loud..drowning out the gentle lyrics of the conscience, that formula on its own , is no longer magic, solid commitment has to be thrown in. Then there is the money aspect of it all. If you are not financially secured, avoid taking the plunge. Many marriages break up because of money.
Marriage is alot of hard work; people, wise up; it is no easy journey. When you become a part of somebody, you are no more at liberty to do as you wish; there has to be mutual consideration for each other in all your undertakings. The solo has turned to couple and that means, compromise! compromise! compromise! and looking after the feelings of each other. Sometimes, it means more work from one party; sometimes, it means one party taking on more burden etc..etc..No marriage is a bed of roses. Even if it is, remember, roses has thorns. No marriage is without tears, quarrels or stress. Of course there is great joy and happiness in a marriage as well, but people, especially young folks, never be misguided into believing that marriage is all about sweetness, smiles and contentment. Understanding the needs of your better half (and she, yours ) is a great part of a marriage.
Have you ever bitten your tongue or accidentally clamped down hard on your teeth etc..etc..If you could accidentally hurt a part of your own body, what more an eternal part of you! So there has to be mutual sensitivity to each other's feelings. Sometimes, we hurt the people we love and they hurt us as well. We humans are full of weakness, we are creatures of moods, emotions and feelings and things happened when we are caught in a storm, or other X factors comes up, like the beautiful butterflies swarming around us, or machos who comes our way. Thank God, we have religious doctrines to guide us, plus the pre-marriage courses to put young people in prospective before they actually take the plunge.
Having said all that and seeing so many marriages on the rocks, especially those involving our friends, the people we care about, sometimes...sometimes... Marie wishes the church sympathises a little more with those who has no choice but to go separate ways. Makes honest women and men out of those who had been left out in the cold through no fault of theirs and wants to live again. Acceptance into the house of God; the christian community, to be able to partake of the bread of life, with a clear conscience and knowing that God is with us is so very important- for that peace within and a meaningful journey home.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Holy Hour 1st Friday of Oct 09

Marie takes deep comfort in the promise that God sends his angels before us to lead us and look after us, so that darkness may never overwhelm us! The events of the last two days was trying to say the least. Questions had started to creep in again unconsciously and let Marie tell you, people, it was a joy to be reminded that God is with us and he commands his angels to look out for us and watch over us and tonight Marie found renewed faith and trust flowing inwards.
Her heart was immensely gladden..and she thank God for the guardian angels in her life.! Yes, God bless her, Marie, with not only one but many angels to watch over her!When She walked into the Church Building this evening, Marie's heart was not at ease, and neither was she feeling very well. At one point she wanted to leave early , but somehow, she stuck on and towards the end of the Eucharistic celebrations, God be praised, the bad feelings were all gone! People! The power of prayers and letting the healing grace of God take over. And yes, full heartedly praising and worshipping God! You know people, God does gather those who want Him in their lives into His bosom and embraced them, blessing us with His strength and His Spirit. Love You Lord!

Thursday, October 1, 2009


Thy gift of strength is with me Oh God, Mighty Thy Shield that protects me!Receive Oh Lord, Eternal thanksgiving that surpasses time!