Sunday, August 31, 2008


Malaysian flags all over the church buildings and Wisma Lourdes. Festive and joyous!

We Salute and Cherish You Malaysia! How Time Flies! 51 years has rolled by so incredibly fast!
We grew up with you ; we shared with you, the sweet, the tough, we walk the progress and transformation, side by side ; and together, eaten the salts of the earth and became wiser in the process. Then, We were proud to be Malaysians , now 51 years down the road....We are still very proud to be part of you, Malaysia! Always ! And we thank you God for the peace and serenity of this Beautiful Homeland you have given us!
With us today

YB Dr. Xavier Jeyakumar
& family sharing the 51st Merdeka
joy, with the congregation
of Our Lady of Lourdes Church, Klang

Our Appreciations YB Dr. Xavier Jeyakumar

The Parishers having a jolly good time celebating the
51st Merdeka celebrations at the church grounds

The youths, lead by bro Justin
serenading the celebrating crowd
Yes! we praise you and thank you God
for Peace in our Nation and all blessings.
Great Stuff Guys!!! God Bless You!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Repentence =My defination

What is Repentance? It is as Macmillan says, " The act of showing that you feel ashamed and sorry because you have done something against the rules of your religion and is willing to to change. In Acts 2: 38, Peter said, "Repent, and be baptized everyone of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit." It is the call to unbelievers to come live the life Christ Jesus.
In this time and age, it is also a call to those who love life so much that they have no place for God in their hearts. It is a call to those knowingly and unknowingly crucifies Christ Jesus daily, as they plundered through life, "feasting" and trampling upon the peace of others leaving trails of havoc along their own paths of life that they hurt others,, -to repent and change their ways of living and allow the light of God to enter their hearts and souls so that they acknowledge and accept their own short comings and imperfections and in so doing are willing to change and live a better life.
Funny how sometimes, a seminar or some wise words could set the closed mind ticking. It sort of makes you sit up and take a bird eye view of self. I spied, arrogance , cheap victories- that's the more polite term-ego is more the word, paranoia, which inevitably self-sabotages and cause bottle necks to SELF - by our own actions, negative repercussions swing in and Wamp us off course! Simple basics, like road rage, those who are prone to mad outburst, uncontrolled anger and rash actions on the road, take time to reflect back, your words and actions ......Wasn't that a waste of good energy which could be put to better use, like improving skills, working on that relationship etc... etc.. CHANGE
Very often, we let ego take control over reason and we argue and fight over trifle, silly things , even though we know we are in the wrong, just so that we look good , because " I won and you lost." and that makes me more superior than you. It is an act of finding happiness through the tears of others" and it never brook good because negativeness and enmity is created and somehow it sorts of swing back and hit you straight in the face sometime, somewhere. Therefore acknowledge and make a CHANGE. Yesterday, I did something which, when I thought about it was just pure ego.. I am going to apologise, well , subtly but I am going to change. God has given me talents, not to make others small, but to reach out and help others along.
Repentence - apply that to everyday life, It is a step towards bigger things, and in itself is living and obeying the commandments of Christ Jesus -:"Love each other as I loved you."
REFLECT, look into your own mirror and start CHANGING...

Sunday, August 24, 2008

My Blog, My mission, My journey

When I first started this blog, it was with the intention of sharing a journey, to give a sense of companionship to lonely and troubled or even distressed souls out there somewhere, people with the misnomer that they were the only ones in pain and distress. Truth is, just about everyone in this world, has some problems or the other. The difference is whether people make an attempt to stop crying; smile through their tears (or at least make an attempt), turn to their religion and God for strength, find ways and means out of their predictment and start live anew-Move on..., or sit around and howl their misfortunes, (I once thought, I was the only one with troubles, so I did my fair share of howling too) sink further into depression and for extreme cases perhaps- the exit resort. The latter happens when people think the whole world is having fun while they alone have problems and so their problems just got bigger and bigger until it swallows them whole. Someone must tell them,- that is SO NOT true! As I journeyed along, I found that this blog has become a journal of some sort and it had helped me stayed more focus when going gets tough. It had push me to smile as well. Blogging has become a time when I allow the stillness of my surroundings to fill me and to release the ocean of words and emotions briming from within..

When I step into Church every Sunday, I come with an expectation - to be wholesomely healed, after a tiring week of focusing on materialistic pursuits. Sundays are days of rest,reserved for the healing of Mind, Spirit, heart and soul. I firmly believe that the Eucharist is the paramount healing grace. I love the beautiful hymns which just grows more beautiful and meaningful each week, and of course the message from the weekly homily which has never failed to provide answers, whenever, I am troubled.. Do you folks feel as I do ,that God sometimes whispers into the ears of the parish shepherd ; what troubles us, then ; lo & behold, when we come in for mass the next day,we find him touching on the very subject which causes us our sleep and there were our answers, loud and clear. .

I am an ardent advocate of Home Praying; infact it is a YES, MUST, but somehow, it is different when you enter the House of God, to pray-something happens to your spirit. It rises up from within to bond with the God above. I akin it to homecoming to my father's house , where I tell my loving father just about everything, my secrets, my sadness, my joys or the silly little things I do every day, what I am going to do next. . etc...etc.. Whether you are sharing happy stories or sad tales with God, a visit to the House of God, has that miraculous ability to lift up your spirits and you leave the Church building happier and more at peace with yourself and the world around you....

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Grappling with the "Unforgiveness" Word

The Bible has been my constant guide of late ; the more I read, the smaller I become; it is really not easy to be , a follower of Christ Jesus. I know, I can never live up to that mark, I am but a mere shadow of what I should be... It is a huge responsibility and suddenly I ask myself, have I a right to be called by that name? Even now, I am still grappling with the "Forgiveness" word. I was so sure, I got rid of that baggage but somehow, it managed to conceal itself somewhere within my heart and rears its ugly head now and again. In Mark 11:25, Jesus said, "Forgive if you have anything against anyone so that your Father who is in Heaven may forgive you, your trespasses". Forgiveness is such a BIG Word. The commandment to Forgive others their wrong doings against us to the extent that "if your brother sins against you seven times in the day and turns to you seven times in the day, and says, I repent, you must forgive him" Luke 17::4. This certainly is too big for me; and for most human beings, I think; that is reality.... to me that is.
...... and it sorts of humbles me.

There are so many things, I cannot do and each has become an occasion for me to marvel , how much this wonderful man, Christ must love us that He was willing to die for us, -John 15:13: "Greater Love has no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.",that we may be reunited with God once more...for he said " I have come not for the righteous but sinners" and, "the healthy has no need of the physician, only those who are sick. "The ultimate Forgiveness, in the highest form of Love. Can anybody do that?

Folks, it will take alot more prayers and hard work , certainly, your prayers as well, before I could conquer the "Unforgiveness" Part of me but I will certainly work on it and hopefully oneday, I will be able to do just that. We humans are funny beings, really ; as soon as we feel lighter, there we go picking up clutters to clog up our lives again. It is a continuous battle to stay focus on things that matters to us, the treasures of our hearts instead of know the junks that uncontrolledly strays in and gets sucked into our system...........Anyone of you having trouble with the "Unforgiveness" Word as well? Walk with me; let us give each other strength and courage, and perhaps oneday, we could be fully cleanse of the toxins from our bodies.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

New Life -in the Holy Spirit-Third Week of the Spirit Seminar

We are into the Third Week of the Holy Spirit Seminar and folks, the healing that comes from the beautiful and meaningful hymns sung this evening,were tremendous. My spirit was uplifted and as I closed my eyes and let the words, the praise and worship flow inwards, instinctively, I open the fistful of pains, I recently just gathered and released them.. When the whole prayer group sings out their praise and worship, it becomes a very powerful group prayer. You know folks, as humans, we can never escape from the little trials of everyday life; we need to accept that life can never be perfect-that's a reality, it is how we approach life, how we conquer the daily challenges that will determine the state of our mind-whether or not there is happiness and if we could live a fulfilled life. Having the Holy Spirit of God with us will make that difference.. New Life is the positive change that will live within us, when we welcome the Light of God into our lives.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

My Sunday Observations 170808

I have always been very inspired by people who go that extra mile to bring the gift of life into the lives of others in their community. The on-going initiative by religious leaders to hold the inter-faith dialogue is admirable and an act of wisdom.As Christians, especially Catholics, there is a need to show love - religious tolorence by example, by friendship and by respect; we live by the teachings of Christ Jesus ; for it is only through the act of giving respect and understanding to others that we can receive, the same and more in turn. Again, it is an act of giving and in giving, the goodness overflows and ultimately- flows back to us.. In Luke 6:37, The Lord says: "Give and it will be given to you, good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over will be put into your lap. For the measure you give will be the measure you get back." Do we not need peace if we were to continue our religious practices freely? Do we not need understanding and acceptance of what is important to us - The respect of others for our Faith and what holds dear to us? Putting together hands of friendship and brotherhood will see the fostering of mutual respect for each other's religious beliefs and bring forth peace in every community, starting from within our own individual township, across the whole nation and to the whole wide world. An enormous task which will require more than determined spirit, strength and hearts. It will require Higher Hands;..... divine light & grace .

It is also heartening to know that Leaders of the different religious communities will be present for the opening of Wisma Lourdes, come 1st September 2008 - 4.30p.m.. Targetting Wisma Lourdes as the Centre of community activities in Klang - is undoubtedly a very positive and remarkable agenda' one which will definitely grace The Church of Our Lady of Lourdes Klang; A House of Worship and A Place of Mercy & Healing-A Community Centre of God, synonymous with Love, The Great Teachings of Christ Jesus.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Dedicated to the Holy Mother

The Assumption of the
Blessed Virgin Mary
/Jubilee Mass 150808

Father John Gnananpiragasam,
The Parish Priest of Our Lady of
Lourdes Church, Klang leading the
Benediction and candle light
procession from the church
after the Jubilee Mass

On this Holy Day of your Assumption, Blessed Mother, we walk the steps of faith and devotion; with candles alight , and our hearts full of prayers, praise, and thanks, we turn to you for the continued grace of God's love and blessings. Pray that the Holy Spirit will keep our Faith ever strong and Firm in your Son, Lord Jesus Christ forever and ever Amen.

Footsteps of Faith & Devotion ,
fortified with the lights of grace -around the
church building and up Wisma Lourdes
and back into the church

. .

We pray to The Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of our Lord Jesus Christ to pray for us and intercede on our behalf, the many needs, we have at this time of our lives, peace for our nation ,our Church and our Community. We pray for the much needed blessings and protection to keep our Church strong , safe and ever faithful and for God to keep us fulfilled and provided as individuals. Mary, Holy Mother of the Church, pray for us. Amen

Father John said that The Eucharist, is a gift of healing in itself; the most precious gift of healing.... Yes indeed-physicially and spiritually. The power of the Eucharist and believing that it is truly the body and blood of our Lord Jesus Christ, that is what keeps our bodies, our very being whole and our faith strong.. During the difficult periods of intense trials, it was , the Body of Christ which had lifted up my spirits, and the prayers of the Holy Mother which had brought balance into my life and peace within and that, had kept the fire burning and kept me going.... Because Jesus was and is still with me.

I found very meaningful and spiritual, the ''Hail Mary" , as part of the mass celebrations, especially at that very specific time . . It is an act of remembering the Blessed Virgin Mary , her immaculate conception, as well as the promise of her continued intercession for our many needs. I don't know about you, brothers and sisters, but to me it is very significant. It is an act of reaching out to the Holy Mother and being embraced in return by her love. People of faith, as you, we were praying the Hail Mary, did you not feel a warm glow in your hearts?On this day of her assumption, could a Mother refuses us anything?? She is who is full of God's love and , full of grace, had stood by us as a Loving Mother. And Today on her holy day of Assumption,+++ friends, brothers and sisters! She is and will be more gracious than ever. Believe me...

Thank you Heavenly Father for the Blessed Virgin Mary, our Mother and Mother of the Church ... Amen!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Reading the Word of God

Time rolled back and there I was the curious little girl, peeping from behind the doorway and looking at this strange lady, going through her motions of,doing her first reading infront of the congregation. She saw an excited, nervous woman, not so much because of the full church, not so much, the reading itself, after all, she had done this type of thing, so often in other places but because it is something like a sacrament, (to her that is), a sacred act before God's people, that her nerves just refuses to calm down.. The little girl is now all matured ; aging even but she is out there infront of the whole congregation and reading the Word of God.. ....

Well, The begining was fine, but then the mail train started to gather speed; "no, mum," my son said," it was more the speed boat and you were too far away from the mike." Gosh! and double migosh! Trust my son, to tell it as it is, only people who love you will dare tell you the truth... Thanks dear! Here's hoping the faithful, did manage to catch the readings. For me, I was just thankful, I did not stutter nor did my voice or legs gave way.

It was an immensely powerful mass, this morning, for me that is...... The moment, I stepped into church. The feelings were different. . Then the Church bells started to ring; exceptionally musical this morning-joyous, welcoming Ting..... Tong..., Ting...Tong....and with each ting...ting..ting.. tong...,, an overwhelming sense of peace filled my heart and being. The loving and comforting presence of God is incredibly strong this morning. Each time "Mercy" was sung, I felt its gentle flow sweeping over me; and folks, I became emotional and teared... It was a little embarrassing , and maybe I was imagining but folks, I felt God really close this morning. And It was as though, I had fulfilled, something I needed to do. I really do not know, but it was as if the strong approving presence of the Holy Spirit smiles over the congregation this morning. And after the mass, I could not help but asked our Parish Sheperd, Father John to pray over me. I felt so blessed. I could not elaborate more but those ,who had similiar experiences would understand and know exactly what it was that I am gushing about.

Do not keep on nursing the pain and sufferings in your lives else they will continue to live; grow within you, and then overcome you; rather turn to Jesus for help and strength,as Peter did in his moment of weakness . (Matt 14:26-32- Jesus, walking on stormy waters.) Leave all your trials and tributions at Jesus's feet; and turn to Him for peace and direction. You will surely rise above your personal pains, failings and weakness and walk a more meaningful and fulfilled journey through life. You will surely find peace and with it, joy in your lives..

This is the message (as I understood it) beautifully shared by Parish Priest, Father John,during homily this morning. Those among us, with pain and tribulations, Move on in life, people! do not become a bitter gourd! Do not wallow in self pity, or you will be sucked deeper into the quick sand of destruction .Get out of the rut, move on and allow the peace of Christ Jesus and the Spirit of God to lead you into the greener pastures of life, into positiveness... I find this statement absolutely true in my own life and as I stopped trying to do the repair works myself and trusting in God more; as I started to move on in faith, positive changes flows in. Of course it helps that God sends hordes of angels into my life to lift me up; to help me in every turn I take and that His hand never left mine.


I take this opportunity to thank the parish for allowing me my special moment and thank you Linda. Your little girl reads so confidently well!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Life in the Spirit Seminar (LSS) at Our Lady of Lourdes Church, Klang.

Bro Damian leading
the praise &


The Life in the Spirit Seminar (LSS) at Our Lady of Lourdes Church, Klang started off with Sister Josephine touching on the topic "God is Love". Touching, dynamic and well delivered. The Life in the Spirit Seminar which commences today, Tuesday 5th August 2008 will be held over nine weeks :- Every Tuesdays from 8.15p.m. - 10.00p.m.

12th Aug 08 Salvation
19th Aug 08 New Life
26th Aug 08 Repentance
2nd Sept 08 Inner Healing
9th Sept 08 Baptism of the Holy Spirit
16th Sept 08 Growth (Vertical Dimension)
23rd Sept 08 Growth Horizontal Dimension
30th Sept 08 Transformation


Contact Persons: Bro Damian - 019-3054441
Sister Getrude - 016-3435080
Sister Mary - 03-51628082

(Information extracted from the Registration Form of the LSS)


Three years ago, this writer attended her First Spirit Seminar. God in his mercy had touched and healed her in many ways and had given her a new lease of life. Indeed God had been holding her hands throughout all the difficult periods of her life. . This realisation had brought peace, comfort and strength to her and enabled her to continue walking.The Holy Spirit does makes its presence felt in the hearts and souls of those who reaches out in deep faith for God's grace. Brothers and Sisters, if you have not yet experience the power of the Holy Spirit, I would urged you to come and attend this Spirit Seminar. God in his mercy works miracles. All it needs is for you to surrender all your troubles and cares and lay them at Jesus's feet, Trust and have Faith and you will leave this Spirit Seminar a new person, strengthen and with a clearer direction in life. Don't question how, just Trust.. in the wonders of God.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Free Medical Services, Church of Our Lady of Lourdes, Klang, Sunday 3rd Aug , from 7.30a.m. till 1.00p.m.

The Free Medical Services jointly managed by the Catholic Doctors, nurses and TZU CHI, a Buddhist Group- at the Grounds of the New Wisma Lourdes, Church of Our Lady of Lourdes , Klang. .

Dentists, hard at work at the free dental clinic at Wisma Lourdes

The Beautiful Act of Giving. At 7.00a.m, the Volunteers and missionaries of Higher Love were already at the grounds of Wisma Lourdes ready to carry out their mission for the day; even though the clinic was timed for 7.30a.m. Their act of dedication , commitment and self-less giving, so moved the Parish Priest ,that he shared his appreciation with the whole congregation.

It was a hive of activity at Wisma Lourdes. The Medical clinic was well attended, many had their blood pressure checked and their teeth fixed. Others were seen making general enquiries. What better time and place than on such an event! Irrespective of whether it were migrants, Seniors , children or the needy, the medical clinic is a welcome event and from the crowd gathered at Wisma Lourdes, patiently waiting for their turn to receive the free medical attention , it is certainly appreciated!

Certainly, The Church not only cares about the spiritual well-being of her flock, but also looks into their physicial health, as well. "Come to the Water, all you who are thirsty. ". Isaiah 55. The Lord Provides..The Lord in his love , gave his all that His love may continue to flow through the hearts and souls of caring people- like an everflowing fountain of goodness, which flows out in the act of Self-Less Giving, blurring out religion that those who have a need of such graciousness and love may receive .

Saturday, August 2, 2008

The Call by the Parish - Pray for Peace for our Nation and the World-1st August 2008 (1st Friday-Devoted to Divine Mercy)

Pray for Ever Lasting Peace to reign in our Nation forever! We pray to the Divine Mercy not only to heal us individually as a person, as a family, as a community but also very importantly as a Nation, and as people of the World. At this time of uncertain and difficult times, we pray for the gift of God's wisdom upon each and everyone of our Nation's Leaders and Elect. We pray that they will put the interest of the Nation, and the love of the country, above Self; we pray that we and our Brothers and Sisters of different faith and culture, will continue to have freedom of worship , the freedom to go about our own accustomed way of lives unhindered and let us give due respect, love, understanding and togetherness to one another. Let us reach out in friendship and embrace one another. We are all children of God, irrespective of colour or creed. God is in every religion; and every Religion teaches Good. No one is created lesser than the other. No one deserves to be slighted, no one deserves to be alienated. We pray for God's grace that the People of this Nation and the World will have the hearts, the eyes , and wisdom to see everyone as an equal, a brother and a sister journeying through this Valley of life together as children going home to the Father in Heaven.
On this First Friday of the month and devoted to the Divine Mercy, the Parish is called to remember the Nation and the World. Pray for God's Mercy and the gift of Peace and Healing for our Beautiful country and the world; that internal peace may continue in our own hearts and souls. Let there be peace in our Beautiful Homeland and the World at large , let beauty, harmony, love, understanding remain and grow stronger by the day, Lord. Amen.
It is good to have the Resident Sheperd Home. Welcome back Father John!