Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Prayer for healing

Lord, the prayers I have for two families, equally dear in my life, I leave in your hands. Grant them this day Lord, total resolvement and healing Oh God. Provide for them, let your Spirit guide them that they walk in the right path, Father. All things come from you Lord God, nothing can be made straight, unless you grant it Lord, bless them with the means and the ability to carry out the healing process Father. In Jesus's name Amen.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Marie says Thanks

To the lovely person who read the thoughts and blog of Marie, enjoyed them and left a lovely comment of encouragement. God Bless you.
Marie also thanks a very Catholic parishioner who went out of the way to arrange for Marie to receive a copy of this week's bulletin since all had been snapped up and there were non available in the boxes. Unbelievable that at this age and time, there are still people who could be such a good neighbour!! Thank you bros!!!

Family Value

One of the greatest attraction of the Catholic faith, Christianity as a whole, is its great family value. God as head of every home- and the Holy Family, Mary, Joseph and the Holy Infant Jesus. And that calls for love and mutual respect within the family unit-the practice of putting their trust and faith in God in everything they do.The concept that the family that prays together, stays together. The family who looks to God for guidance, grows in faith and family harmony and that will include honouring Father and mother; an institution that loves and respect their elders and in turn earn the respect and love of their children and that tradition and culture will be passed on from generations to generations and gather strength.
Yours truly, firmly believes that faith moulds the character of children and keep their paths straight, that they not only grow up with clear insights what they should do in life but they become cherish and useful members of home, society and community.
Question is, will children continue to keep God in their hearts and soul and will Church remain a valued part of our children's lives?? It is so sad to see good family values fading away. Church has become unfashionable in the Western world, will that darkness influenced our children in the future ??? People! let us at least try to prevent the rot, let us give faith and good character formation as gifts to our children. Let us keep the image of the Holy Family shining in our homes to instill family values in the hearts and minds of our children. Believe me, the world will be a better place to live in, if each and every parent does their part.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Psalm 127-Success Depends on the Lord

I was going through the Lourdes Jubilee Souvenir and found this beautiful psalm:- (This quote from the Revised standard version)

Unless the Lord builds the house
Those who build it labour in vain
Unless the Lord watches over the city
The watchman stays awake in vain
It is in vain that you rise up early
and go late to rest,
eating the bread of anxious toil
for he gives to his beloved sheep
Lo, sons are a heritage from the Lord
the fruit of the womb a reward
Like arrows in the hands of a warrior
are the sons of one's youth
Happy is the man who has
his quiver full of them
He shall not be put to shame
when he speaks with his enemies
in the gate.
How absolutely true!! Everything comes from the Lord God, whatever we have, it is through God's grace and blessings,- our directions, where we are, our friends, our careers, our family, our peace, joy, happiness, our rewards, our everything-they all come from our Father in Heaven. Folks take some time and reflect on this beautiful psalm, indeed success and fruitfulness does come from the Lord God. Let us therefore, Pray, believe and Trust in the God of Creations, for only He knows what tomorrow holds for us; only He, God can smoothen and light up our paths in life.

Friday, December 26, 2008

A Wonderful Christmas Lunch Party with Friends and Relatives

A wonderful Christmas bash! The gathering of relatives and friends. Even those back from overseas made their way to this beautiful home of ours! A Bash that lasted right up to 8.30p.m. And it started around 11a.m.! Tiring but such a joy! In the early morning, it looked like rain but the good Lord, kept the weather beautiful- clear but not too hot and no rain! Can you believe that?? Wow!!Praise and thank you Lord God! We were worried the food may not be enough initially but at the end of the day, my fridge was jammed so tight, there is enough food to last us right into the Chinese New Year!!!! The blessing of the five loaves and two fishes!
This will be the last time, I would be throwing "open house" functions and large gatherings of any sort folks. The spirit may be willing but the flesh and the body is weak. The old bones cannot stand the strain. 2009 onwards, it shall be strictly family affairs. Private rebonding sessions within the family itself.
Father, I am immensely grateful for such a successful bash. Thank you for making possible this beautiful day.. Family togetherness ..rekindling of family ties and friendships...Cherish, lovely memories, lighting up my book of life....

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

A Christmas Surprise -Mon 22nd Dec 08

The year is certainly closing with a lot of bangs, shockers and surprises for me! I had just taken my bath, and was just settling down to an assignment date with my computer dressed in my comfortable, and worn out night clothes, when suddenly from outside came the horns hooting and the voice of our BEC coordinator James Surin, yelling, carolling!! carolling!! Folks, you shocked the life out of me!! I was expecting no carollers to come by!! But to see such a big group, announcing the arrival of Christmas,especially the sweet and innocent faces of children! That melted my heart. Wow!! that was something- and the Christmas greetings, that was worth more than all the gifts in the world. Unexpected , a surprise but on reflection, sweet and Christian! Christmas and the heralding in of the season of Peace!

Monday, December 22, 2008

In You Oh Lord, I surrender All

Into your hands Oh Lord God, I concrete my peace. my livilihood , my dreams, my rewards, my All. Father, that your strong bosom shelter and comfort me .Made smooth my paths and let peace and Joy fill all the days of my life., Lord. In Jesus Holy Name, Amen

Sunday, December 21, 2008


Christmas, cannot be Christmas, without the birth of Christ Jesus , the birth of a miracle called JOY, so associated with this Season of celebrations, the birth of Peace, Reconciliation and Love into the World. Folks, when you feel Joy, it really means:-




Christmas, a time of reconciliation, not only with the Father in Heaven but our brethen here on earth, siblings, friends and yes, even those who hurt us. A time to forgive and forget and become friends once again.A new life.

Christmas also reminds me of the great faith and absolute trust Mary, the Holy Mother has in God, when she uttered "Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord; let it be to me according to your word" Luke 1:38. She is the vessel who brought Christ into the world that sins may be washed cleaned, that the re-concilation process could begin in fulfilment of God 's plan for the world. Through her, Christmas was born, Christianity came into being, through her son Christ Jesus and for that, our gratitude should be boundless. To worship and love the Son, we must also appreciate and honour His mother. .


A Salute for a sick relative. Request for Prayer

I visited a close relative yesterday in hospital and was given the bad news that he had only six months to live since his stomach was eaten away by cancer and food can only go in through a tube and discharged by tube as well. What amazes me was the way he took the news, so calmly and without any bitterness. His philosophy is,if it is time to go, go, after all life is only a role, a responsibility, and footsteps leading home and if the task is done and God calls, so be it.
It is the attitude , I admire. While previously, I was annoyed that he would not rest but goes back to work after each discharge from hospital, now I understood and admire his spirit. Knowing the worse, he does not want to lie sick at home and just waste away. He wants to get as much done as possible. He wants to remain useful and strong until the last moment. He does not want to burden his family in any way. Death, it is nothing to to fear about. It is just the journey home to a better life and he seems to agree with me. But then with the precious time remaining, I do hope he and his family would spend cherish moments together to smell the roses and just enjoy each others' company. Of course he still harbours hopes of an alternate cure and I shall pray that he will find it in traditional cure. He is after all still young at sixty three, considering his mum at 88 is still around.

I pray that his steps home will be without pain and sufferings and God willing, it need not be the last lap and that he does find his cure and live for many more years ....God I pray for your mercy your comfort and your healing grace for a brave cousin stricken with cancer. In Jesus name Amen .Please say a little prayer folks, those who chance upon this blog, Thank you and God Bless!!!!!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

A House and Home Blessed

A very funny thing happened today. We, the kids and I were fully expecting our very rev. parish priest for house blessing between 12 noon -1p.m. We thought we had all the time in the world to spruce up the house so we took our time tidying up. Slightly after 10.30a.m, the daughter of the house was busy scrubbing the dirt at the back portion of the house while the mother was busy putting the clothes in order upstairs. No way, we were going to let our VIPs see the untidy side of us! Or so, we thought!!!
. .
All doors,and windows were shut securely and we were about our tasks,when all of a sudden, Ding Dong!! the gate bell rang. The mother frozed. And So did the daughter. The son had a shocked look on his face.....Surely...this cannot be.. ....Then the bell rang again, this time a little more persistently. The mother, took a peep from upstairs and there standing outside the gate, was the parish priest and his buddy assistant, warm smiles spreading all over their.faces, despite having to stand out in the hot sun, waiting for our frozen limbs to react and spring into action to unlock the gate for them to enter. Omigosh!!All hell broke loose. The daughter and the son were yelling, " Mum,mum.... Father John is here, Father John is here....", come down quickly...and then she dashed to open all the windows and on the lights while the mother hurriedly rushed out to greet the much awaited VIPs, leaving the kitchen floor wet, sticky and dirty while upstairs, the clothes were hanging in disarray. It was in a cleaner and neater state before we started our operation " create " good impression stunts. Guess the warning our Lord gave us "to be prepared at all times, " took on an added significance today.. Last minute preparation works is a no no....
We expected certain hours but obviously , the Holy Father in Heaven has other plans. I could just picture Him laughing at our antics. Running up, down and around like the cartoon figures you see in your comic strip..Children...children.. He must be saying, I know everything there is to know about you, what secret can you keep from Me and from my trusted servant? There is absolutely nothing you could hide from me. "My trusted servant shall come earlier than expected to your home... ." And so, He did, his trusted servant did come at a most unexpected time and methinks, he also saw more than we intended him to see.
So there we were, sheepishly standing to attention before the altar, hair unkempt, body sweaty and clothes messy, praying together with our very patient parish priest and his very dear brother assistant.
Simple and meaningful prayers inviting God's presence and blessings into this very beautiful home of ours and the continuous intercessions of our Holy Mother. Although our plans "to give a good impression" and at least offer some fruits to our VIPs did not happened, because we were found lacking in readiness, nevertheless, it could not take away the joy of having our house and our home blessed. Just Beautiful! Wonderful! Thank you and Praise You Lord, God! Despite the misadventure, if it could be called that, yours truly was in seventh heavens, .....finally the house was blessed after nearly two years....
Thank you Father John for your patience and the simple but very meaningful house blessing and thank you Bro. Tony Mark for your kindness in bringing Father John over to bless our House and Home. God bless you both!!

A Prayer for Blessings

Oh God, that your loving presence resides and fill this house and this home for ever. Bless this family,Oh God, this beautiful house and home, Let your love surrounds us and provide our every needs; strengthen and substain us all the days of our lives, Oh God. Let peace , love, harmony and happiness fill us, every day of our lives. Grant us this day, Lord, understanding and care for one another, Bless us Loving Father, the rewards and the fruits of heaven and the earth. Let joy flow into our lives, let us grow strong in our Love of You God, Father. Let your light , guide and lead us through this valley of life, Father. In Jesus name, Amen. Mary, Mother of God, pray for us. .Amen

Friday, December 12, 2008


The paths that you have chosen for me, the plans you had designed for me, Lord, let your spirit guide me and your hand lead me on... Thank you and Praise you Lord!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Thank You Lord for a Wonderful 2008 ..Year End Charismatic Gathering, Tuesday 9th December 08

Advent a period of waiting and preparing for the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ, a significant time for every Catholic… The true meaning of Christmas!

Fresh from one power packed healing mass into another spirit filled session, Lord, my grateful heart brims with love for you... Let my worshipping heart adore , glorify and thank you Lord, all the days of my life..

Draw me close to you Lord and let me soar like an eagle in your love…My Charismatic sisters and brothers, in Christ, you have outdone yourselves again. Did you hear how joyous, how enthusiastic and how powerful the voices of worship were tonight??? Maybe, I am still charged up from the previous healing session, maybe the thrash had been evicted leaving space for goodness and the love of God to flow in that for one very intense moment, I actually felt the warm glow and the presence of the Holy Spirit hovering over the congregation . I am still wondering .. but whatever it is, folks, you have to agree with me that our closing session for the year was really electrifying -so filled with the Spirit that all our hearts were bursting with love and praise for God who came to be in our midst.. Praise the Good Lord, our God.!
What a fabulous close to a year with promises of a better year ahead . And the spread of pot luck goodies- wow!! not only gratifying to the taste bud and the stomach but bonds the hearts and spirits of the charismatic children of God closer together.

Thank you people! God Bless!

MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!! & A Very Happy New Year!

Till we meet again ! Tuesday, 6 January 2009!

Monday, December 8, 2008

Our Lady of Lourdes Church Klang, 80 years today, Feast in Honour of our Holy Mother, Mary the Handmaiden of the Lord God

It was raining but when I reach the church building a good ten minutes before the Healing Mass started at 10.00a.m, the parking lots were jammed full, so it had to be parking out in the rain in the small vacant lot behind the church building. The church was packed as well; but thank goodness, I managed to secure two seats . Appears, I was late.

The large turnout tells me how beloved, the Blessed Mother is in the lives of each and everyone of us. I guess, even if it floods, we will find people with umbrellas, wading their way into the church building, to thank her and appeal for her intercessions , especially on this day, 80th anniversary of Our Lady of Lourdes Church Klang.

I felt an air of expectancy, in church this morning, there must be a lot of people wanting to be healed, that their wishes and needs had transformed into a powerful prayer before the Holy Mother, and be carried up to our Lord, Jesus Christ and answered by the Holy Father in heaven. Father John, our parish shepherd was right to the dot when he said, people have come in with varied needs and prayers for different healing in their lives. It need not be anything physical like illnesses, it could be hidden pain and conflicts within the inner self, family, unforgiveness and unspeakable baggages in our lives. There is nothing, we cannot bring before Jesus, before God and surrender them at his feet. With the Holy Mother praying for us, miracles will certainly take place. Those of us who run to the Holy Mother for comfort will attest that her intercessions , does indeed get our prayers answered. So people, if you have come in with expectations today, it means, you have come with faith and that faith will heal you, whatever your needs. Just don't go looking for proof or signs of healing, let the power of God work for you in His own way and before you know it, that baggage or burden will be gone; perhaps even without you consciously knowing it.

We have four priests on hand to serve and lead us through our healing session. The Parishioners of our Lady of Lourdes Church , Klang are indeed blessed. Thank you Rev Fathers. Even the bells that announced the start of the healing mass, resounded with joy. I don't know about you folks, but I heard the powerful joyous ringing and closed my eyes, to let the musical tones fill my heart. It did and I was gladden. The Lord's Prayer-The Our Father was especially powerful this morning. I must have said this prayer a thousand and one times or even more but nothing was so beautiful, as it was, this morning. Every phrase, every word came alive in the spiritual presence of God. I must thank our parish priest Father John and his dedicated team of brother priests, for leading us through this particular healing process with use of simple but powerful, soul touching words to expose the sicknesses from within so that the roots that chains us to our pains, dislodged themselves from our hearts -and we surrender them to God. At your feet, Lord, we unburden our pains and baggages!! That moment of release, allows the comfort and love of God to flow into our hearts, that our spirits breaks forth in praise and worship of our Lord God.The Healing Mass today is indeed power packed, Praise the Lord!

The Healing hymns too were so appropriate, that it touches the hearts of many. I heard many sniffs around me. People were shedding tears of release. We asked that God gives us the grace to forgive others for the wrongs they do to us and we ask that He forgives us of our own sins. It was awesome! Just recalling the beautiful moments, teared me. Those who were not at the Healing mass at Our Lady of Lourdes Church Klang, this morning, you have missed out on something very extraordinary. Perhaps next year...

Marie Lee thanks the Holy Mother for the awesome moments of joy and release experienced during the Healing Mass this morning. It could only be, your smiles upon me dear Mother of God .. Thank you for your love and never ending intercessions.
In our gratitude and praise of the Holy Mother, let us remember to give due thanks and glory to God always for his everpresence in our lives. That is what the Holy Mother would want us to do- to be reconciled with God and keep him in our hearts, mind and soul.. always. Glory be to the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit forever and ever, Amen.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

My Thoughts -An Inspiring Homily by Father Philip & Sharing of What is and Why

Why do we put up the Christmas Tree to celebrate the birth of Christ every 25th day of December? That tree was chosen because, despite the cold and the snow and when everything else seemed to wither away, the Christmas Tree stood tall , proud and resilient, untouched by the snow and the cold. A beautiful symbol of strength, representing new life. I did not know that, although I had wondered what the connection was between the birth of Jesus and the Christmas Tree. And why was 25th December picked to celebrate the birth of Christ, when studies showed that Christ Jesus, was born in warmer months instead of in winter? There was no snow and yet we had always associated the birth of Jesus with snow and the cold. According to the old texts, it was because, 25th of December was a day when light triumph over darkness and as Christ Jesus conquered death by rising from the dead, this particular day was picked, signifying and symbolising the power of light over darkness. And so Christmas on 25th of December was born. Awesome!
Will the significance and promise of Christmas still continue to touch the hearts of the world, as deeply as before? To many in the Western world, Christmas has become very commercial,' much of the religious significance is lost. To me, Christmas is more than festive, but then the festive part of it is good as well, for this is a time of family togetherness and a time of bonding, a time to remember our loved ones, a time to reach out to the less fortunate and bring a little joy into the lives of others. A time to extend peace and received peace in return.. A day to reflect with gratitude and thanksgiving, the magnitute of God's love for mankind . For Christ Jesus, his human birth, the Holy Mother and the impact she has in our lives ; the forgiveness of sins , and the reconcilation of mankind with God, opening the way for our salvation.. Amazing isn't it that God should love the world so much that he is willing to send his only son into this world to die for us that we may be saved?.
The eloquence and the evangelist brilliance of our visiting priest, Father Philip during his homily this Sunday, morning, cannot be captured on paper, you will have to be there to grasp the essence of the message and be awakened by the many soul searching questions posed to the parishioners. Are we walking in the like of Christ Jesus in our daily lives? I especially like the part, "start from your own home". To me, Christmas will always signify a time of hope, a promised fulfilled and renewed Faith of the life to come. Most important of all ,the Great Love a Father has for us..
Thank you Father Philip for a bringing new meaning to Christmas during this very special time.The sharing of peace at the begining of mass, takes a little getting use to, but, it certainly brings more meaning to a Echaristic celebration. The "Peace be to you" greetings -brings to essence God into our lives, because God Himself is Peace..

A Morning Prayer

Lord, that I may honour, love and worship you all the days of my life. I pray for continued faith and strength. I pray my dreams, you walk with me, I pray, a Father's love so true, A Refuge so strong, the world could not help but smile upon me! Others Lord, are not even a shadow to thee!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

A Thorn in the Flesh-A Charismatic Sharing by Sister Getrude- Tuesday 2nd Nov 08

Bless the Lord for an amazing sharing, striking a chord to the innermost feelings and touching the raw of the heart!!. A Passionate and powerful delivery appealing to the senses and spirit within! Certainly, a powerful Healing session, bringing to realisation how weak, our human flesh and blood is and how much we need our God in our lives. .....
The thorn in the flesh, it is not only the pain caused by others, but also, the pain we caused others. Food for thought and a good point to reflect upon. That evening as I was leaving home, I was driven to anger by a thorn in my heart and I raged at the source. Yes, I did, but after the sharing, I thought to myself, "What was that all about?. Nothing very much really-. Nothing that really matters" . So I pulled a cotton bud and plug it to the wound and hey! it became a no issue. The power of sharing and reflections!
Though, I have heard the story of the footprints so many times, the beautiful narration touches me immensely. Strange isn't it, even after knowing we are never alone, the human side of us still breaks down sometimes and we lament, not being loved and cared enough. Truly, the flesh is weak and we need prayers to lift us up.
The charismatic group has certainly matured and grown. Yes, Bro Ron,the Charismatic Group of Our Lady of Lourdes, Klang can be proud of the fact, that among the regulars, there are many kids and young people who delights in being part of this prayer group.