Sunday, December 21, 2008

A Salute for a sick relative. Request for Prayer

I visited a close relative yesterday in hospital and was given the bad news that he had only six months to live since his stomach was eaten away by cancer and food can only go in through a tube and discharged by tube as well. What amazes me was the way he took the news, so calmly and without any bitterness. His philosophy is,if it is time to go, go, after all life is only a role, a responsibility, and footsteps leading home and if the task is done and God calls, so be it.
It is the attitude , I admire. While previously, I was annoyed that he would not rest but goes back to work after each discharge from hospital, now I understood and admire his spirit. Knowing the worse, he does not want to lie sick at home and just waste away. He wants to get as much done as possible. He wants to remain useful and strong until the last moment. He does not want to burden his family in any way. Death, it is nothing to to fear about. It is just the journey home to a better life and he seems to agree with me. But then with the precious time remaining, I do hope he and his family would spend cherish moments together to smell the roses and just enjoy each others' company. Of course he still harbours hopes of an alternate cure and I shall pray that he will find it in traditional cure. He is after all still young at sixty three, considering his mum at 88 is still around.

I pray that his steps home will be without pain and sufferings and God willing, it need not be the last lap and that he does find his cure and live for many more years ....God I pray for your mercy your comfort and your healing grace for a brave cousin stricken with cancer. In Jesus name Amen .Please say a little prayer folks, those who chance upon this blog, Thank you and God Bless!!!!!

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