Saturday, June 14, 2008

Heeding the call for salvation

A superb choice of hymns for today's Eucharist. Many sang with amazing gusto. It is not very often, I hear such passion in the voices of parishers as they sang their hearts out; their voices ringing out in great gushes of praise, and worship. Every word becomes a personal prayer and yes, we do need the mercy of the Lord, every minute, every second of the day.And yes, we, all of us, do draw strength from the Giver of Life. When we are down and out, it is God, who lifts us up. When we are so alone and nobody cares, it is God who comforts and give us the courage to face another day.

To be part of the faith community; indeed, we need to be given the gift of faith, and God's grace to heed the call to be part of his chosen flock, his people. Astounding isn't it? It is not us, but God who decides, who enters his kingdom. A very sobering thought indeed. The fortunate will be touched by God, somehow, sometime, somewhere along life's journey; and they will surely be with Him at the end of time.
If only all of us realise this, we would be seeking out God ,right now and asked to be allowed into His kingdom. This journey though long and turbulent, is only for a little while, but the life after this, will be for eternity and sorrowful the souls who did not enter the gate of salvation, when they were given the opportunity to do so; for then the doors would be shut and forever closed to them.
Come all of you who have been touched, let us thank God for his amazing grace!

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