Saturday, November 14, 2009

The Apostle- The Musical on the Life of St Paul

How is the musical? Great soul provoking songs and hymns ! The theme was well enacted. The footsteps of St Paul, his mission, courage and firm belief in God stands out throughout the show -clear and easily followed. The message was loud and clear- "Go out and preach the good news in Jesus's Name!"

Marie found herself singing along and enjoying the show. Yes brother, we all learned alot more about St Paul ....than we did before..Definitely! but .... ...somehow, Marie thought the musical is a tad too long, but perhaps it requires that length of time to capture the essence of St Paul's footsteps. Just Marie's opinion...The general audience were seen very captivated by the show; the majority did not show any restlessness, at all. Yes folks! Those who love musicials and want to know more about the christian mission of St. Paul - A must!

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