Sunday, September 27, 2009


This is an amazing day. Good and satisfying breakfast in the morning and in the evening, more nutrition for the soul and I have found it immensely enlightening - the session on prayers. Indeed, prayers play a very significant role in fostering that special bond between God and man. If the Lord himself, draws strength through constant prayers to the Father in heaven; what more we, mere mortals, God's creation here on earth! Can we stand on our own without the Hand of God holding us up and balancing us?

Prayers provide the power of Balance in our lives!. Prayers keep our paths clear and enable us to walk unhindered in life!. Prayers light up our life so that darkness cannot penerate and put fear into our hearts! Prayers gives us that oomph to sail through our daily lives, with confidence that the Lord will watch over us because we had entrusted our needs to Him. And I especially like the statement that prayers should come from the heart , reaching up and touching God in deep trust and faith. And yes, hymns are definitely very powerful prayers to God because when we sing our praises to God, the whole heart and soul are in focus, worshipping God with our entire being. Halelujah! Praise be to God!

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