Friday, September 4, 2009

Holy Hour, 1st Friday Sept 09

Friends, each time, I say, I am never going to blog again, something wonderful happens and I just want to spread the awesome feelings around. The name of Yaweh is indeed powerful and beautiful; the lyrics pouring out his love for each and everyone of us -invoked an incredible sense of deep gratitute humbling the heart, and moisten the eyes. The call for the grace of the Lord to heal the congregation- was so poignant and earnest tonight, it certainly felt as if the Lord stood in our midst, hands raised over the whole congregation to bless each and everyone of us present tonight. A wonderful feeling and Yes, dear brethren of OLL, our First Friday, Holy Hour is filled to the brim ,with the grace of the Holy Spirit! Marie is blessed to be part of the praise, worship and the Eucharistic celebrations tonight! Amazing!!!

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