Sunday, June 28, 2009

Walking in the Pathway she Believes in

Living the life,she believes in........ever since a little girl, there had been a part of Marie, who yearned for a spirit filled life, God's little girl. There were vague memories of a little girl in awe, breathless feelings of deep reverence flooding through her, whenever she had the courage to slip into this very cool, this very quiet , wonderful holy place of worship... she understood, to be the place where God dwells. She would tip toed in, so as not to disturb the Master of the Holy Dwelling- when nobody is around of course.... And whenever she had the courage to do that, she always felt as though, there were angels present..... She always felt that any moment, she would hear the voice of God......telling her " Now, be good"...She was never afraid, just so very overwhelmed...The nuns told her wonderful stories of God and His angels.....and she was very attentive, very receptive and I guess that was when her love story with the Catholic church begun.
And the structures, the statues inside the church building, they appeared so gigantic to a little girl.....the pew...rows and rows of them, appeared almost forbidding....and yet she wanted the right to sit on those beautiful benches. The memories had remain vivid and the yearning to belong lingered on as the years passed. Yes, it had been a long journey of many challenges but she made it to the finishing line.The Lord had held on to her fast, securely...... and she made it...the path she now walks, is the way, she believes in and wanted ....there is such a sense of belonging.....words cannot describe.........this call..... that God intends she responds.

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