Monday, June 1, 2009

A call for Prayers

In you, my Lord God, do I placed my trust. In your Holy Spirit, I call for guidance and light. God of Providence, in you, my needs, I entrust ..

Marie calls upon her friends and all those who chanced upon her site, pray for Marie. There are just so many needs and Marie do not want stage play, she just wants to be genuine , and sincere, without airs and without having to resort to playing dirty tricks to get by life.

Marie is just so weary of all the heavy and dirty politics, swarming around her. Every Tom, Dick and Harry, wears a talismen to protect, to suppress or control the other. We, people of faith, keep God in our hearts..We need prayers brethren, you and I, we need the powerful intervention of God to keep us from harm and keep us going in this treacherous world. Pray that God strengthen us through his Holy Spirit folks!!!
I do not know how many of you folks out there are like Marie, seeking daily refuge in the sanctuary of God. Sometimes, we cannot even trust ourselves, it is only in God, that all things are perfect and true, and Marie prays hard that she has the continued strength to walk this journey as she knows she should and not be weaken and laid astray by worldly needs.

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