Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Repentence =My defination

What is Repentance? It is as Macmillan says, " The act of showing that you feel ashamed and sorry because you have done something against the rules of your religion and is willing to to change. In Acts 2: 38, Peter said, "Repent, and be baptized everyone of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit." It is the call to unbelievers to come live the life Christ Jesus.
In this time and age, it is also a call to those who love life so much that they have no place for God in their hearts. It is a call to those knowingly and unknowingly crucifies Christ Jesus daily, as they plundered through life, "feasting" and trampling upon the peace of others leaving trails of havoc along their own paths of life that they hurt others,, -to repent and change their ways of living and allow the light of God to enter their hearts and souls so that they acknowledge and accept their own short comings and imperfections and in so doing are willing to change and live a better life.
Funny how sometimes, a seminar or some wise words could set the closed mind ticking. It sort of makes you sit up and take a bird eye view of self. I spied, arrogance , cheap victories- that's the more polite term-ego is more the word, paranoia, which inevitably self-sabotages and cause bottle necks to SELF - by our own actions, negative repercussions swing in and Wamp us off course! Simple basics, like road rage, those who are prone to mad outburst, uncontrolled anger and rash actions on the road, take time to reflect back, your words and actions ......Wasn't that a waste of good energy which could be put to better use, like improving skills, working on that relationship etc... etc.. CHANGE
Very often, we let ego take control over reason and we argue and fight over trifle, silly things , even though we know we are in the wrong, just so that we look good , because " I won and you lost." and that makes me more superior than you. It is an act of finding happiness through the tears of others" and it never brook good because negativeness and enmity is created and somehow it sorts of swing back and hit you straight in the face sometime, somewhere. Therefore acknowledge and make a CHANGE. Yesterday, I did something which, when I thought about it was just pure ego.. I am going to apologise, well , subtly but I am going to change. God has given me talents, not to make others small, but to reach out and help others along.
Repentence - apply that to everyday life, It is a step towards bigger things, and in itself is living and obeying the commandments of Christ Jesus -:"Love each other as I loved you."
REFLECT, look into your own mirror and start CHANGING...

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