Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter Joy

Hallelujah n Alleluia! Praise the Lord! We worship the Risen Lord! Happy Easter one and all! A joyous Easter indeed! Words and thoughts bubbled, there is just too much to share that the written word just failed me. It does not matter because the Word of the Lord God rises supreme especially at this time of new birth , a time when we are reminded time and again, that Jesus, the Christ, who had come 2000 years ago, to wash away the sins of the world, has conquered death. Death has no power over Him, brothers and sisters! He had arisen and seats at the right hand of God, the Father! He is not a memory, He is very much alive, He is with us! He watches over us, His spirit moves in us and with us.
Marie wishes all parishioners of OLL, friends, especially, the parish priests , The Joy of Easter and the peace of the Risen Lord!

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