Thursday, December 31, 2009
GOD Bless 2010
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Maintain the Faith
Sunday, December 27, 2009
A Sunday's Recollection
Friday, December 25, 2009
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Something new at Our Lady of Lourdes Church, Klang
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Just Sharing
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Sunday Reflections
And if Marie may say so...fortunate are those with the time, the energy, the capability to serve God as they do now... indeed, they are blessed and chosen by God, to gather treasures for themselves in heaven and ..shine radiantly - their good deeds in the Book of Life..!
Others like her, are otherwise tasked. They had been tasked other obligations and responsibilities . God has his reasons for doing that; the will of the Lord is beyond our understanding....Folks, have you ever gone through a journey when you were all set and ready to begin a journey of hearts desire and then suddenly out of the blues, your plans became " bent" ..that somehow, you find yourselves blogged down- so many cares that you just were not able to carry out what you intended to do??? If you have gone through similiar frustrations, perhaps it pays to remember that "Man plans but it is God who decides "... Similiarily.... NOT all had been called and NOT all had been blessed to serve. There are other ways to be christian..the Lord himself will show for neighbours, siblings, the weak, the sick..those less privileged than us.... a kind word of encouragement, a smile, in times of need etc...etc..
Those called to serve and walking the footsteps of St Paul., spreading the good news and actioning good very grateful and thankful , you have been so blessed! Others were not given the gift! God Bless Brethen!
Friday, December 4, 2009
!st Friday, Dec 09
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Feast of Christ the King
Saturday, November 21, 2009
The love of God
with my God today,
That I promised never to
call on Him again,
It's Strange .....
He did not turned from me, ,
But held me closer still-
Arms enfolding in tender
love and care.
Shushhhhhh...He said
Shush ...I understand...
And all of a sudden,
I was ashamed
and whispered,
Forgive me Lord,
I have sinned....
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Saturday, November 14, 2009
The Apostle- The Musical on the Life of St Paul
How is the musical? Great soul provoking songs and hymns ! The theme was well enacted. The footsteps of St Paul, his mission, courage and firm belief in God stands out throughout the show -clear and easily followed. The message was loud and clear- "Go out and preach the good news in Jesus's Name!"
Marie found herself singing along and enjoying the show. Yes brother, we all learned alot more about St Paul ....than we did before..Definitely! but .... ...somehow, Marie thought the musical is a tad too long, but perhaps it requires that length of time to capture the essence of St Paul's footsteps. Just Marie's opinion...The general audience were seen very captivated by the show; the majority did not show any restlessness, at all. Yes folks! Those who love musicials and want to know more about the christian mission of St. Paul - A must!
Our Lady of Lourdes Church Klang stands tall and proud in her serene white,against the quiet of the morning light. Drawing you in, welcoming and emitting great peace. In the interior, on one side, stood the now elevated picture of the Holy Mother of God smiling in great pride; The baby Jesus in her arms; Our Ernest prayer at her feet. At the other end, The Divine Mercy, stood - pouring forth His great mercy.... Suspended high in the middle, shines the centre of Faith, the Divine symbol of God's great Love for mankind ; The great sacrifice to redeem the world- Hallelujah! The ties between God and man are renewed! Praise be to God!
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
The Book of Sirach
Sunday, November 8, 2009
A Homily of thanks and appreciation.
To the dedicated JS, our BEC captain and the team, thanks for a lovely month of October ! And let us not forget the dynamic RCIA team as well! Sometimes, when things run so well and so smoothly, we fail to see and to thank those who worked so hard to ensure everything is in its proper place and the engine, running smoothly.
Of course we would notice the black spot on the white sheet of paper almost immediately, it appears; the whites totally blurs out as soon as a speck of black touches the white surface. Funny isn't it? Yours faithfully, is no exception, she sometimes blabbers as well!
Today's message arising from the tale of the two widows, tells Marie that God sees and knows everything. In our darkest moments, He sends relief and comfort. When we lack the means, we are told not to fret because, God sees and understands our difficulties and our capabilities. A small portion in the eyes of others, may be 'chicken feed'; people may turn their noses down at us...but friends, that little bit, may well fill the whole strongroom of heaven! It is not what people think and say that matters, but applause from the Lord! The rags that we wear may be the prettiest thing in the eyes of God! Remember that Folks! Marie herself needs constant reminders as well, let us therefore draw strength and wisdom from one another! Have a nice day Folks!
Friday, November 6, 2009
Amazing grace- 1st Friday of Nov 09 Praise & Worship Session
This world is really not very beautiful at this particular time of our existence but God makes the difference. First Friday Divine Mercy and Holy Hour, followed by Eucharistic celebrations is a blessed time of healing and reaching out to our Father and God. We have so many many baggages ..... we need higher strength to substain us! Folks! Never for one moment think, we could survive without the grace of God!
People, do you know how powerful this beautiful time of healing is? I truly believe God is in our midst as our voices ring out in praise and worship of Him. Yes, our knees may beg for mercy but people, each time, we kneel and sends up a prayer (especially in a powerful healing session such as this), God in his compassion, reaches down and draws us up close to comfort us.. His spirit breathe into us... and if our hearts are pure and truly believing, it is transformed into healing and grace. Healing comes in so many forms, calming of spirit, of thoughts and mind...relief from sickness and pain...restoring of confidence in ourselves through strengthening of our own faith etc.. etc..and yes , miracles do happen!
Many people may not realise this but, the holy hour praise and worhip session is a powerful time to pray for our relatives and friends who are sick and in need of relief, even if they cannot make it to church. I tell my own family that First Friday- Praise and Worship Session is once a month special moments with God. The short time invested brings trillion good returns..Happy the people whom God calls to this praise, worship and healing session! Because the Blessings we bring home strengthens and brightens up our household and our lives! And the Peace that comes with it ..untold!
People of Faith, believe that our God is a faithful God and His Hands surely leads us in everything we need to do...God Bless You People! Together let us glorify our Lord God!
What a Friend we have in Jesus!
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Palms 31
People of faith, if words fail you sometimes, and you are weak of spirit and strength, reflect on Palms 31. It is a powerful prayer invoking the spirit of God - to shield and protect those , who seek the grace and mercy of God. Whatever the situation, whatever the need, we have a God who stands firm for us; but brethen, your eyes has to be opened and your hearts seeking....
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Sunday 1st Nov 2009
It is very upllfting this morning Reverend!
Saturday, October 31, 2009
A call for Prayers
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Something about Being Holy.
Yours Truly, needs constant prayers, just so that her Bad side does not surface too often, so brothers and sisters, could you spare a prayer, for Marie?
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Morning grace
- Every good thought you think is contributing its share to the ultimate result of your life ( Grenwille Kelser) and that people, is good things .
- People become really quite remarkable when they start thinking that they can do things. When they believe in themselves, they have the first secret of success. (Norman Vincent Peale)
Somehow the words of our Lord came to mind, " For Truly I say to you, if you have faith as a grain of mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, "Move hence to younder place, and it will move; and nothing will be impossible to you." Matthew 17:20
Wow! Talk about an early morning reminder to substain the challenges of the day!
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Reaching out to the Lord My God
Your Presence by my side
Oh God,
Lifts up my spirit
and rejuvenates my soul.
This day I dedicate to You, Lord,
Thy Strength , Thy Shield
sees me through Oh God!
Thy wisdom my insight,
Thy spirit the gentle guide ,
my every action be!
Stand by my side Oh God!
That I, in favoured grounds
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Reflections - Sunday's Homily -Marriage

Friday, October 2, 2009
Holy Hour 1st Friday of Oct 09
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Wisdom of the day-The Sunday Morning Homily
Monday, September 21, 2009
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Walking the Faith in the Lord Jesus
It reads as follows:-
BELIEVE IN SELF AND TRUST IN GOD and the impossible becomes Possible! Yes People! God be Praised!
Monday, September 7, 2009
Eucharistic celebrations - Remembering the birthday of The Blessed Virgin Mary

A portion of the crowd at the Liturgical celebrations at our Lady of Lourdes Church, Klang tonight. The church building was bursting at the seams, with three priests (Father John, Father Eugene and Father Joseph (from India)) presiding over the Eucharistic celebration, the Candle Light Procession, The Healing Service and the Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament. Homily was delivered by the very talented speaker , Father Eugene Benedict (all the way from Cameron Highlands) who effortless delivered his homilies in three languages, English, Bahasa and Tamil, endearing himself to the parishioners of Our Lady of Lourdes, especially Catholics from Sabah and Sarawak!
Parish Retreat-Theme- Mary, Mother of God
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Parish Retreat Monday, 7th September 2009 -Theme-Mary The Mother of God
All of us who light candles before you and look to You to intercede for us ! Pray for us Holy Mother, on this special day, that each and every prayer is place into God's hands that we receive His blessings and His grace.
Brethren, let us meet at the Parish retreat on Monday 7th Sept, 2009 -7.30a.m. for morning coffee ,(for the early birds I was told) and afterwards -the praise and worship session ....... quality time getting to know the Holy Mother of God better; the praying of the Rosary and a host of other activities!
May the Prayers of the Holy Mother lift you up! God Bless!
Venue: Dewan Dominic-Our Lady of Lourdes Church Klang
Half Day Retreat: 8.00a.m. till 1.00p.m.
Devoted to The Holy Mother of God
Jesus, Holy Mary, Mother of God,
Friday, September 4, 2009
Holy Hour, 1st Friday Sept 09
Monday, August 24, 2009
From the Eyes and Heart of MarieLee
Church of Our Lady of Lourdes, Klang-Lit. Celebrations-6.00p.m.-8.30p.m.
Come Pray to the Holy Mother. Come Honour Her.
Time and again, the question arises why Mary, The Mother of God is held in such esteemed, to the point of worship, by Catholics. Many a times, Marie was told, that as Christians, we should only worship, Christ Jesus, the Risen Lord and Son of the Most High God. Marie was told, nothing is mentioned in the Bible that we should worship the Blessed Virgin Mary, after all, she was mortal, a human being, abeitly, the handmaiden of God. My Christian brethren outside the Catholic church, tells me it is wrong to pray to the Holy Mother let alone worship her. Some even ventured that it is sinful. As a mother and a woman, this hurts , and as an ardent believer in the miraculous intercession of the Holy Mother, I find their statements unbelievable. Is praying sinful? We as children of our parents, "worship" our parents, least, the older generations did...Some cultures prostrate themselves at their parent's feet as an act of love, a respect . and of course to get blessings..
The commandment given to Moses and honoured till today states that “ Thou shalt honour Thy Father and Mother”. God had sent his only begotten Son into this world to die and redeemed the sins of this world. The Blessed Virgin Mary was the chosen vehicle, singled out by God to be the Mother of his only son, Jesus. Surely the son--, our Lord Christ Jesus, would want the whole world to honour his Mother. So too, The Lord God would not want any disrespect for his chosen handmaiden. Our God is a God of Honour and Love. Having given The Blessed Virgin Mary the honour and the privilege to bear his Son and be part of the salvation plan for mankind, would God forget her, Mary after her task is done? Would God let her memory fade after she so trustfully and faithfully carried out his Will? Would God consider our prayers to her as sinful???Would not our God held her in high regards??
The Blessed Virgin Mary is the mother of Faith and Trust, of the deepest kind. She shared in the passion of the Lord; her heart bled and was cut to a million pieces when she followed her son's journey into crucifixion and when they crucified him. The day, the blood of her son Jesus, flowed to redeemed the world, in accordance to the Will of the Father, the grace and love of God enhanced her. Even though she knows her son came to fulfill the promise of the Father, still she was drenched in the sweat and hurt of his sufferings and pain. The Holy Mother felt his pain. A mother’s pain. It was this great act of sacrifice, love, obedience, trust and courage, that she is blessed forever, and so revered. When we honour The Lord Jesus, we honour His Mother. Never forget that it was the Blessed Virgin Mary who first received the Holy Spirit, in her immaculate conception of her son, Jesus, the Son of God. Luke 1:35.
It is my deepest belief and faith that God answers prayers, the difficult ones that is, if we ask the Holy Mother to intercede for us. Sometimes, our prayers are not earnest and faithful enough be answered… yes, brothers and sisters..... We need the Mother of God, to whisper in a few good words on our behalf. She had found great favour with God when she was chosen to be the mother of His Son and gained greater favour when she shared in His Passion. She was and is the great vehicle of the new convenant promised mankind. Let us always remember that. And let us also remember that as a faithful Handmaiden of God and a loving Mother, the first wish of the Holy Blessed Mother would also be for us to first and foremost worship, honour and love Her Son, our Lord and Our God and to glorify the Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit, in eternity.
Marie can think of no other words to honour the Holy Mother of God, except in the greetings of the Angel Gabriel “Hail Mary, Full of Grace the Lord is with Thee” Luke 1: 28
Sunday, August 23, 2009

Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Conversations with God
Are with You alone Oh God,
The Message from my heart
The thoughts that flows
are only for you,
For you, My Lord God..
None could understand,
nor could they comprehend
Just what means the words
The outpouring from my heart..
I do not desire attention
Nor I , the applause
Just a release of thoughts
And cherish moments
Speaking to my
Dear God..
copyright Marielee
Monday, August 17, 2009
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Guess, that’s ok because earlier today, she received a good dose of vitamins for the soul- and it was really good vitamins.. Believe me People!
Friday, August 14, 2009
Battling the conscience
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Anger and disappointment
Like tempest strewn
Destruction and dust
The mountain of Trust
Though I stomp and cried
You held on to me tight
The tears may cloud
The bruised heart taking
The paths, the ways not
Of Thy Light
But Dear God, You
Stayed on by my side
You patiently watch my
Acts of distrust
Reaching out to steady
And protect
Watchful eyes, doting
Gentle warmth thrusting
out the chill of the
And When the storm had
And the Thrashings ceased,
In remorse and contrite
heart ,
I look for Thee..
Ever loving, ever comforting;
Thy understanding smile
Is all I see-
Thy presence reassuringly near…
And then-
Dear God, I realised
Again I have wronged Thee...
copyright Marielee
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Eighth day of August,
The year Two Thousand
And Nine
Unto God, I Place
Fifty Six torches to Bless,
...and light
The Pathways, that I
To accomplish the tasks
Given me…
Oh That the Heavens may
And the gifts that I long
Granted me…
This prayer Dear God
Please receive.
Though Heaven I long
And God, I cherish
A journeying traveller
Has much to seek
This passage of life-
God’s destined paths
Yet to complete….
Oh God, Your Gift of peace;
The Fruits of the Earth
and the Heavens to give..
In Your hands, my Faith and trust
The Promise , the Splendours
of your Providence
Surpassing all time….
Fifty Six Torches, Dear God
I ask , that You shield and Bless!
A simple thank you from my Heart
A True companion, Who never leaves
My Side
Through Ups and Downs
The Roller Coaster Ride
His assuring Presence by my
His Strength so amazing
His Might unrivalled
His Love, no one could
Pure and sparkles
Throughout the walks
Of my life….
My Lord and My God
How could I not marvel
Your beauty, Your great
How could I not sing
This song of praise
Glowing from my heart…
The Peace that flows from
A fulfilling gift indeed !