The institution of marriage is sacred to the Catholic Church and of course all Catholics, born from the scripture's teachings that a woman is made from the rib of a man because God, wanted the man He created to have a companion, a soul mate so that he, the man may not be lonely and will enjoy a meaningful life. This is further reflected in the teachings of the Lord' Jesus that" what God has put together, let no man put asunder; and that is why a man must leave his father and mother and join with his wife and the two shall become one body." Beautiful! a powerful promise of love " till death do us part".
.This is a promise which sits on the foundation of responsibilities and trust. It requires alot of sacrifice, compromise, giving, understanding and alot of faith in God (the bond sealing the union- Marie always believe that there must be a common faith for a marriage to survive)
Once upon a time, the promise to love and support each other through good times and bad times, and in sickness and health may be the perfect formula for a wonderful marriage because, then- a Promise is forever. When a woman marries a man, her future is made. She has a man to look after her and love her for life. Today, with sound of the worldly disco blasting so loud..drowning out the gentle lyrics of the conscience, that formula on its own , is no longer magic, solid commitment has to be thrown in. Then there is the money aspect of it all. If you are not financially secured, avoid taking the plunge. Many marriages break up because of money.
Marriage is alot of hard work; people, wise up; it is no easy journey. When you become a part of somebody, you are no more at liberty to do as you wish; there has to be mutual consideration for each other in all your undertakings. The solo has turned to couple and that means, compromise! compromise! compromise! and looking after the feelings of each other. Sometimes, it means more work from one party; sometimes, it means one party taking on more burden etc..etc..No marriage is a bed of roses. Even if it is, remember, roses has thorns. No marriage is without tears, quarrels or stress. Of course there is great joy and happiness in a marriage as well, but people, especially young folks, never be misguided into believing that marriage is all about sweetness, smiles and contentment. Understanding the needs of your better half (and she, yours ) is a great part of a marriage.
Have you ever bitten your tongue or accidentally clamped down hard on your teeth etc..etc..If you could accidentally hurt a part of your own body, what more an eternal part of you! So there has to be mutual sensitivity to each other's feelings. Sometimes, we hurt the people we love and they hurt us as well. We humans are full of weakness, we are creatures of moods, emotions and feelings and things happened when we are caught in a storm, or other X factors comes up, like the beautiful butterflies swarming around us, or machos who comes our way. Thank God, we have religious doctrines to guide us, plus the pre-marriage courses to put young people in prospective before they actually take the plunge.
Having said all that and seeing so many marriages on the rocks, especially those involving our friends, the people we care about, sometimes...sometimes... Marie wishes the church sympathises a little more with those who has no choice but to go separate ways. Makes honest women and men out of those who had been left out in the cold through no fault of theirs and wants to live again. Acceptance into the house of God; the christian community, to be able to partake of the bread of life, with a clear conscience and knowing that God is with us is so very important- for that peace within and a meaningful journey home.
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