The time is near...As Marie reflects on today's reading from Luke, she does not see the gloom and the doom, rather -the words of the Lord ringing true.." be glad because deliverance is close at hand." No one knows when the end will come, but looking at the signs, our hearts tells us, now, more than ever, we should be seeking treasures from heaven ..... we have to do more good than evil at this stage of civilisation; at this point of time...We do not want to caught unprepared...still passing judgement, cutting pounds of flesh off the weak and the meek for our own well-being...when at any time, the Lord may reclaim the soul, entrusted us.
Of course, the human in Marie also whispers that now more than ever, she should do the things, she always wanted to do, because tomorrow may never come.......then she will never be able to "spot light", her heart's desires that it shines like a bright star in the heavens above. Maybe even ....some things termed "naughty" but that's the human speaking., not the spiritual soul.....Some say that the stars twinkling in the skies above are those of the good souls who had passed on and their good deeds continue to shine and light up the night skies.
To Marie, they are also, the heart's desires of very earthly people - you and her- wishes already gotten in hand-achieved, accomplished and now earned their place-up in the heavens -shining proudly bright. Each twinkle, is an announcement- a proud proclamation- I have made it! People! I have made it! I am in the gallery of the stars here above!
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