Monday, September 7, 2009

Parish Retreat-Theme- Mary, Mother of God

Hei Folks! I am just back from a very special retreat and I tell you, if , like me, you were there this morning, you are blessed indeed but if you were unfortunate to have missed this retreat, for some reasons or the other, sorry people! you had just missed out on a great experience, and believe me, this type of experience does not always come by!

Why blessed?? Because =Never was a message so powerfully delivered as today's presentation, why The Blessed Virgin Mary should be so revered. She is the Mother of God and Queen of the Heavens. She is the Mediator and Intercessor for all of us who truly needs the grace of God. There were so many aspects of her role as Mother 0f the church which Marie really did not see until she attended this retreat and viewed this presentation. And it is not only tradition, people; it is truly Biblical. There is alot of parallel drawn from the Old Testament to the New Testament. which brought amazing insight into Bible knowledge. And I tell you folks! It is amazing and valuable knowledge, which will stand us in good stead to build up our own faith and also to defend our love for the Holy Mother of God! Not that she needed defending of course but, fact is others need to know just why she should be honoured and loved! In the Wedding in Cana, she opens the doorway to his public life when she interceded in the Miracle of the wine and just as she told the servers at the feast to..." Do as what He tells You to do" , She is also passing on this very same message to us, today and everyday! Do as What the Lord commands us to do !At that point of time, the Lord Jesus says " My time is not yet come" but nevertheless, honouring His Mother, he performs the miracle. Marie finds this event hugely significant, the Intercessory role, our Beloved Mother play in our lives.

The reciting of the rosary at the various stations at the new chapel is very spiritual as it allows the individual, the chance to recite the rosary at their own pace and build their own bridge and bond with God above. Marie wasn't sure how the parishioners would take to Father John's call for a silent recital of the rosary, individually on their own but when she had finished her meditation and looked around her, it was a sight to behold, each religiously, praying, some with their eyes closed, some with obvious adoration on their faces, a group was even kneeling, even little children and the teens! (And it was not a 10 minutes thing, many people actually stood around and prayed silently for a good half hour or more!) So it was not an event for oldies like her, it was an event without the boundary of age and Marie was pleasantly surprised! The power of the Above, not forgetting the efforts of the Parish Priest, Father John (By the way, people, your Parish Priest could sing!), ,organisers of this retreat, volunteers and the staff of OLL (everyone was present!) And of course Father Joseph and Father Eugene, Thanks for the praying over at the Lourdes Bath! You were both great!

It was a WOW event to remember, with good food for the mind, spirit and soul and afterwards superb food for the body as well!! Great stuff, Marie was not supposed to, but she got carried away and took a second helping of the yummy chicken curry. The only regrettable thing was, the camera refuses to co-operate and Marie was left without a nice pic for this blog but folks, the turn out was extraordinary to say the least! The Holy Mother has been honoured through the presence of each and everyone of you folks and it is a great feeling just witnessing such an honour given.

If one might borrow the words of the Parish Priest, " You will be blessed because you came"!

OLL! Thank you for a great retreat!! God Bless!!

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