Sunday, July 12, 2009

Sharing - Arising from Sunday Morning's Homily

It's a Homily of wealth information and knowledge , ...very Bible, not surprising...this being Bible Sunday....And the emphasis, as heavily underlined by the good priest- The Catholic Bible please, people of the Catholic faith! Yes, the few additional books included in the Catholic Bible, certainly is interesting read and enlightening,... why Catholics does certain things. Marie for one thinks, it is good practice to pray for the dead. She for one, would like lots of people to pray for her when she moves upwards.
The passing away of Father Chan is a release of his sufferings. Marie remembers having a heart to heart talk with this very charismatic man of God, many, many years the Holy Redeemer Church .... when she was waiting to pick up her first born from kindergarten. A very wise man, he placed great importance in the virtue of having and practicing the same religious beliefs , and values in a household....a home. That, he said will be a home that will enhance a loving relationship between couples and raise God fearing children , and they will in turn love and respect their old folks, because that home is bonded and strengthen through the love of Christ. Thank you Father Chan..thank you for your wise words.. May The angels lead you home..
One oak tree after the other, has fallen. Sad isn't it???So few priests of the old order left, the precious gems, whose devotion to God, stands out so brightly that, they in turned inspires their parishioners to emulate. There is such a great difference in a Eucharistic celebration presided over by shepherds of the old order compared with the younger ones; only because,, the older shepherds has the advantage of their rich faith, experiences and great wisdom enmassed in the course of their long journey and of course countless encounters with God, in their own way. And in holiness, they would step by step lead their congregation to a renewal and strengthening of their faith that Christ is indeed present in the Eucharistic celebrations and that it is indeed the body and blood of the Lord Jesus Christ, we are partaking.... At the end of the celebrations, we leave for home, feeling so very blessed and privileged as children of God. The bond is continuously strengthen and our reverence continues..each time, we partake of the Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ.
OLL is very privileged to have both Father John and Father Amala with us. Let us keep them in our prayers.

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