Saturday, October 24, 2009

Something about Being Holy.

Last evening, I was at this nice little gathering and someone, in jest , remarked that so and so is so holy that he could almost see the saintly halos over the other's head. To Marie, no one is holy except God. Yes, we try very hard but somehow disco music drowns out, our songs of goodness and we ended up, having wicked thoughts in our hearts and minds and really Not So Good. Perhaps ..bad, real bad..even.
Sometimes, we may even face spiritual attacks in the course of our quest just to be a little, remember, I said, a "little".... religious. Whatever good we try to do, gets submerged when the sinful side of us ,hopped in and rock the boat, the joyful glee of the little black creature with horns ... Yah, life is a constant struggle to be good. I had read that Mother Teresa had her daily troubles and struggles with her faith as well, sometimes questioning, just as we do and she ended up praying very hard for God to be the centre of her life. St Augustine was known for his not so saintly ways but the grace of his mother's prayers became his blessings. He ended up as one of our greatest saints today (my views ) Even our Lord, in his human form, had his own struggles and moments of weakness and He too resorted to Prayers .. I only wish, we could be Holy, but really in this bad bad world of sweet temptations and self centreness, we can only pray to stay within the grace of God's holiness, then perhaps, some of His goodness may grace our lives. .

Yours Truly, needs constant prayers, just so that her Bad side does not surface too often, so brothers and sisters, could you spare a prayer, for Marie?

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