Well, The begining was fine, but then the mail train started to gather speed; "no, mum," my son said," it was more the speed boat and you were too far away from the mike." Gosh! and double migosh! Trust my son, to tell it as it is, only people who love you will dare tell you the truth... Thanks dear! Here's hoping the faithful, did manage to catch the readings. For me, I was just thankful, I did not stutter nor did my voice or legs gave way.
It was an immensely powerful mass, this morning, for me that is...... The moment, I stepped into church. The feelings were different. . Then the Church bells started to ring; exceptionally musical this morning-joyous, welcoming Ting..... Tong..., Ting...Tong....and with each ting...ting..ting.. tong...,, an overwhelming sense of peace filled my heart and being. The loving and comforting presence of God is incredibly strong this morning. Each time "Mercy" was sung, I felt its gentle flow sweeping over me; and folks, I became emotional and teared... It was a little embarrassing , and maybe I was imagining but folks, I felt God really close this morning. And It was as though, I had fulfilled, something I needed to do. I really do not know, but it was as if the strong approving presence of the Holy Spirit smiles over the congregation this morning. And after the mass, I could not help but asked our Parish Sheperd, Father John to pray over me. I felt so blessed. I could not elaborate more but those ,who had similiar experiences would understand and know exactly what it was that I am gushing about.
Do not keep on nursing the pain and sufferings in your lives else they will continue to live; grow within you, and then overcome you; rather turn to Jesus for help and strength,as Peter did in his moment of weakness . (Matt 14:26-32- Jesus, walking on stormy waters.) Leave all your trials and tributions at Jesus's feet; and turn to Him for peace and direction. You will surely rise above your personal pains, failings and weakness and walk a more meaningful and fulfilled journey through life. You will surely find peace and with it, joy in your lives..
This is the message (as I understood it) beautifully shared by Parish Priest, Father John,during homily this morning. Those among us, with pain and tribulations, Move on in life, people! do not become a bitter gourd! Do not wallow in self pity, or you will be sucked deeper into the quick sand of destruction .Get out of the rut, move on and allow the peace of Christ Jesus and the Spirit of God to lead you into the greener pastures of life, into positiveness... I find this statement absolutely true in my own life and as I stopped trying to do the repair works myself and trusting in God more; as I started to move on in faith, positive changes flows in. Of course it helps that God sends hordes of angels into my life to lift me up; to help me in every turn I take and that His hand never left mine.
I take this opportunity to thank the parish for allowing me my special moment and thank you Linda. Your little girl reads so confidently well!
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