Blessed Virgin Mary
/Jubilee Mass 150808
Father John Gnananpiragasam,
The Parish Priest of Our Lady of
Lourdes Church, Klang leading the
Benediction and candle light
procession from the church
after the Jubilee Mass

On this Holy Day of your Assumption, Blessed Mother, we walk the steps of faith and devotion; with candles alight , and our hearts full of prayers, praise, and thanks, we turn to you for the continued grace of God's love and blessings. Pray that the Holy Spirit will keep our Faith ever strong and Firm in your Son, Lord Jesus Christ forever and ever Amen.
Footsteps of Faith & Devotion ,
fortified with the lights of grace -around the
church building and up Wisma Lourdes
and back into the church

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Father John said that The Eucharist, is a gift of healing in itself; the most precious gift of healing.... Yes indeed-physicially and spiritually. The power of the Eucharist and believing that it is truly the body and blood of our Lord Jesus Christ, that is what keeps our bodies, our very being whole and our faith strong.. During the difficult periods of intense trials, it was , the Body of Christ which had lifted up my spirits, and the prayers of the Holy Mother which had brought balance into my life and peace within and that, had kept the fire burning and kept me going.... Because Jesus was and is still with me.
I found very meaningful and spiritual, the ''Hail Mary" , as part of the mass celebrations, especially at that very specific time . . It is an act of remembering the Blessed Virgin Mary , her immaculate conception, as well as the promise of her continued intercession for our many needs. I don't know about you, brothers and sisters, but to me it is very significant. It is an act of reaching out to the Holy Mother and being embraced in return by her love. People of faith, as you, we were praying the Hail Mary, did you not feel a warm glow in your hearts?On this day of her assumption, could a Mother refuses us anything?? She is who is full of God's love and , full of grace, had stood by us as a Loving Mother. And Today on her holy day of Assumption,+++ friends, brothers and sisters! She is and will be more gracious than ever. Believe me...
I found very meaningful and spiritual, the ''Hail Mary" , as part of the mass celebrations, especially at that very specific time . . It is an act of remembering the Blessed Virgin Mary , her immaculate conception, as well as the promise of her continued intercession for our many needs. I don't know about you, brothers and sisters, but to me it is very significant. It is an act of reaching out to the Holy Mother and being embraced in return by her love. People of faith, as you, we were praying the Hail Mary, did you not feel a warm glow in your hearts?On this day of her assumption, could a Mother refuses us anything?? She is who is full of God's love and , full of grace, had stood by us as a Loving Mother. And Today on her holy day of Assumption,+++ friends, brothers and sisters! She is and will be more gracious than ever. Believe me...

Thank you Heavenly Father for the Blessed Virgin Mary, our Mother and Mother of the Church ... Amen!
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