...... and it sorts of humbles me.
There are so many things, I cannot do and each has become an occasion for me to marvel , how much this wonderful man, Christ must love us that He was willing to die for us, -John 15:13: "Greater Love has no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.",that we may be reunited with God once more...for he said " I have come not for the righteous but sinners" and, "the healthy has no need of the physician, only those who are sick. "The ultimate Forgiveness, in the highest form of Love. Can anybody do that?
Folks, it will take alot more prayers and hard work , certainly, your prayers as well, before I could conquer the "Unforgiveness" Part of me but I will certainly work on it and hopefully oneday, I will be able to do just that. We humans are funny beings, really ; as soon as we feel lighter, there we go picking up clutters to clog up our lives again. It is a continuous battle to stay focus on things that matters to us, the treasures of our hearts instead of ...you know the junks that uncontrolledly strays in and gets sucked into our system...........Anyone of you having trouble with the "Unforgiveness" Word as well? Walk with me; let us give each other strength and courage, and perhaps oneday, we could be fully cleanse of the toxins from our bodies.
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