When I first started this blog, it was with the intention of sharing a journey, to give a sense of companionship to lonely and troubled or even distressed souls out there somewhere, people with the misnomer that they were the only ones in pain and distress. Truth is, just about everyone in this world, has some problems or the other. The difference is whether people make an attempt to stop crying; smile through their tears (or at least make an attempt), turn to their religion and God for strength, find ways and means out of their predictment and start live anew-Move on..., or sit around and howl their misfortunes, (I once thought, I was the only one with troubles, so I did my fair share of howling too) sink further into depression and for extreme cases perhaps- the exit resort. The latter happens when people think the whole world is having fun while they alone have problems and so their problems just got bigger and bigger until it swallows them whole. Someone must tell them,- that is SO NOT true! As I journeyed along, I found that this blog has become a journal of some sort and it had helped me stayed more focus when going gets tough. It had push me to smile as well. Blogging has become a time when I allow the stillness of my surroundings to fill me and to release the ocean of words and emotions briming from within..
When I step into Church every Sunday, I come with an expectation - to be wholesomely healed, after a tiring week of focusing on materialistic pursuits. Sundays are days of rest,reserved for the healing of Mind, Spirit, heart and soul. I firmly believe that the Eucharist is the paramount healing grace. I love the beautiful hymns which just grows more beautiful and meaningful each week, and of course the message from the weekly homily which has never failed to provide answers, whenever, I am troubled.. Do you folks feel as I do ,that God sometimes whispers into the ears of the parish shepherd ; what troubles us, then ; lo & behold, when we come in for mass the next day,we find him touching on the very subject which causes us our sleep and there were our answers, loud and clear. .
I am an ardent advocate of Home Praying; infact it is a YES, MUST, but somehow, it is different when you enter the House of God, to pray-something happens to your spirit. It rises up from within to bond with the God above. I akin it to homecoming to my father's house , where I tell my loving father just about everything, my secrets, my sadness, my joys or the silly little things I do every day, what I am going to do next. . etc...etc.. Whether you are sharing happy stories or sad tales with God, a visit to the House of God, has that miraculous ability to lift up your spirits and you leave the Church building happier and more at peace with yourself and the world around you....
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