God sends his only son into the world to cleanse mankind of their sins , thereby opening the Kingdom of God, to those who have ears to hear, eyes to see and hearts to believe and accept Christ Jesus as their Way in to the Journey of Life. He has come , He has given us the teachings, the fundamentals , the directions, and the commandments which will bring the Spirit of Truth into our lives. He had shed his blood for us , died, was buried and had risen and now resides with the Father in Heaven. In his place He had sent the Counsellor, the Holy Spirit to be among us so that the New Way of life may be empowered and made known to the ends of the earth. John 14:26. " Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, to the close of the age. Matt 28: 19-20. 

The new covenant made it possible for salvation to be opened to all believers, that all who believe and accept Christ into their hearts and souls may become children of God. Yes, Faith has the power to open the way back to the Father. Romans 8:15- "When we cry "Abba! Father! it is the Spirit himself bearing witness with our Spirit that we are children of God". We are not adopted children of God, because, we are already His children -from the beginning:- Gen 1:1-"In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth." We are part of His creation and so are a part of Him. And His love is so great that He had commanded that salvation be brought to the uttermost parts of the earth... Acts 13:47. From the Jews to the Gentiles.. ... That all who believes may enter the kingdom of God and have salvation.
From Paul and the first apostles, to the present day ..the task of evangelising and spreading the good news of the Lord Jesus Christ, continues and will continue till the end of time; for the Lord had come not only for a chosen few but that all may be saved.. Today and as always, the parish calls for more disciples and apostles to reach out and guide lost sheep back into the fold. Through BEC activities; community services and every day living, we are called to live the life of Christ Jesus, that others may be touched and inspired thus give glory to God and in so doing, accept the way of the cross and into the Kingdom of God. It is not enough to be Catholics and Christians in name; it does not count how piously you carry out your religious obligations - but if you do not love your neighbour as yourself , then you are not true disciples of Christ Jesus.
From Paul and the first apostles, to the present day ..the task of evangelising and spreading the good news of the Lord Jesus Christ, continues and will continue till the end of time; for the Lord had come not only for a chosen few but that all may be saved.. Today and as always, the parish calls for more disciples and apostles to reach out and guide lost sheep back into the fold. Through BEC activities; community services and every day living, we are called to live the life of Christ Jesus, that others may be touched and inspired thus give glory to God and in so doing, accept the way of the cross and into the Kingdom of God. It is not enough to be Catholics and Christians in name; it does not count how piously you carry out your religious obligations - but if you do not love your neighbour as yourself , then you are not true disciples of Christ Jesus.
The harvest is great but the labourers are few and there is an urgent call for more faithful, to come in and help with the harvest. Listen to the wisdom of the Spirit within you and make use of that special talents given you. It may be contributions for the Lord in writing, teaching, providing comfort ..care .or the listening
ear.. anything. It could simply be a Christian action - stop gossiping and making unkind remarks about another person. Stop being judgemental etc.....The Act of Christ. in us....Have you started emulating Christ Jesus ? Have you reach out to a neighbour today? Have you shown kindness to someone today? Have you stopped causing hurt to others today? There are many more "have you"- folks but the self examination and the change must come from within you . The desire to do good deeds emerge from yourself without the push from anybody, except the personal desire to be Christlike...

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