From the protected sanctuary of Paradise, to the harsh unpredictability of life outside the safe haven, arising from that one instance of disobedience. One man brought sin into the world..And every since then , mankind was thrust out into the unknown to face the harsh elements, the cold, the hunger, the thirst, survival out in the wilds and what it may bring- .... Mankind was to suffer, feel pain, cry, stricken with sickness, age and then die.
And we, children born with the stains of that original sin unfortunately, also inherit the natural human tendencies to sin , to seek the pleasures of life .Our eyes are easily drawn and seduced by the glitters of life- We find it hard to resist the call of power and material wealth.. and in so doing, move further away from the light and the kingdom of God. The consequences, as many of us know, is often grief, lack of peace and sufferings. Folks, it does not mean that because we are such sinners, we cannot turn back to God for solace and healing, it does not mean that we cannot be with God. On the contrary, our God and Father, is all knowing and all seeing. He sees our weakness; he knows our faults. He knows everything there is about us, there is no hiding from Him. He has no anger, only compassion . In Micah 7: 18-19: We are told that God " "does not retain his anger for ever because he delights in steadfast love. He will again have compassion for us, He will tread our iniquities under foot and cast all our sins into the depths of the sea." All that is required of us is to believe in the Word., His Word... . We are further reminded by Jesus in Matt 9:13, " I have not come to call the righteous but sinners".
..The Father and the Creator does not want his children to continue walking in darkness and in pain. In his mercy, He gave us the gift of reconciliation. He sent His Love and Strength in the form of His Son, Christ Jesus, into the world, to heal the rift cause by our first parent, that we may all receive forgiveness of our sins; and be brought back into the safe sanctuary of his kingdom. One man, Adam, brought sin into the world , closing the doors to the Kingdom of God. Another man, Christ Jesus was sent into the world, out of Love, to show Mankind, the Light and the Way, to die for the forgiveness of sins that all who believe, may find life, and enter the Kingdom of God.. The new covenant, of renewed love between a Father and his children.....
..Peace abounds in His kingdom. The teachings of the Saviour- " Love the Lord, thy God with your whole heart and soul" and "Your neighbour as yourself". Two simple commandments which forms the
basis and foundation leading into the kingdom of God. The wedges of sin weakens our mind,body, and soul that without God's Love and strength, we cannot see the path which leads us into the valley of peace and wisdom. We are here because He call us, He has chosen us, He wants us to take our place in the safe sanctuary of His Kingdom. Folks, we are privileged to be chosen people of God. Let us pray for those who have yet to know the Love of God. May their ears and hearts be opened to receive the gift of Faith that they too see the glory of God and be saved.

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