This morning, I am thankful, another member of my family made the decision to attend the early mass celebrations, despite returning home from work way past midnight.. The "Thank You" that was sung as the Thanksgiving hymn , became very significant....Yesterday, when I was caught in massive traffic jams coming back from a workshop, and that had prevented me from reaching Klang until, well - 7.00p.m., I was raging mad but then, this morning, I was grateful. Yes Lord, a bright new day had started.......

Around noon, when I opened the Catholic Daily -Herald, the words , " We can do all things in Him who strengthen us", caught my attention. A friend had forwarded an email to me a few days back and I had totally ignored it, until just before I read the Herald and when I opened the mail, it carried the story of how a child born prematurely and declared, as having a very limited life span, by the doctors, miraculously survived to lead a perfectly healthy, normal life, albeitly, after some months of anxiety. Years later, this very chatty little girl, sitting on her mother's lap, out of the blues, asked whether she, the mom, could smell anything... her mother could only smell rain coming and told her so, but the little girl announced loudly, " No, it smells like Him- It smells like God when you lay your head on His chest."
The mother was overwhelmed, her daughter's words confirmed what she and all members of her extended family had known, in their hearts, all along, that during those long anxious days and nights, when her daughter's life hang on a thread, God had been holding her little girl on His chest and it was His loving scent that she remembers so well. There was this little message attached to the email which says, " I can do all things in Him who strengthens me." It may be just a coincidence but it certainly appears to be sending me a strong message- " We can do all things in Him who strengthens us". Normally, I would just delete "forwards" which bore any resemblance to a chain letter, without even reading them but today, something made me read the story right to the end and it sorts of, lit up the grey matters, a lot more.... Yes people! "We can do all things in Him who strengthen us."
The mother was overwhelmed, her daughter's words confirmed what she and all members of her extended family had known, in their hearts, all along, that during those long anxious days and nights, when her daughter's life hang on a thread, God had been holding her little girl on His chest and it was His loving scent that she remembers so well. There was this little message attached to the email which says, " I can do all things in Him who strengthens me." It may be just a coincidence but it certainly appears to be sending me a strong message- " We can do all things in Him who strengthens us". Normally, I would just delete "forwards" which bore any resemblance to a chain letter, without even reading them but today, something made me read the story right to the end and it sorts of, lit up the grey matters, a lot more.... Yes people! "We can do all things in Him who strengthen us."
It also brought back grateful memories of those dark days of drought, especially, the one time, when I was really, down and out. The car was not road worthy and I had to travel far and so I prayed- everyday, to the Holy Mother that she prays together with me,that God protects the vehicle, kept it running and trouble free until, such time, there was funds to carry out the repairs. Folks, believe it or not, the car functioned and behaved well enough, until the day, funds came in. That very day, it just refused to move anymore, but it took me home safely first, before it well , in a very conversational term " died-ed " on me.. Folks, what could it be, if not, the grace, the mercy and love of God? The mechanic had to be called to move the vehicle to the workshop which was thankfully near my home. Something about some "arm" ???!! being broken and it was a wonder I did not .....Frightful words.....In my heart, I knew , it was God, who had kept a protective arm round me, God, who had kept a strong grip on my vehicle and had kept me safe. So many instances, so many occasions for me to say "thank you" Lord. Even though, I travelled through so many deserts, you had always made sure there were oasis of respite for me... Yes, Thank You Lord and Thank You Blessed Mother for praying alongside me...
..Where would we be without Him? Indeed, "We can do all things in Him who strengthens us".
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