I was reading this article about the ridicule of the Lord Jesus and the Holy Mother by a private Israeli TV show all because of the excommunication lift on bishop Richard Williamson. This topic is probably too big for bloggers' comments , but then again, one could not help but wonder why and how this action could turned religious and resulted in malicious attacks on Jesus and Mary and from people of a nation, whose origins, so deeply rooted in the Bible. A nation so loved by God and yet they still do not believe that the Christ has come and will come again. They are still awaiting for Him to come.. Only Heaven knows why.
Surely God would not allow such people to make a mockery of His Handmaiden, the Mother of His Son and question His very coming into the world- for the forgiveness of sins that Mankind may be reunited with God once more. Whether we are Catholics or Christians, we are people of Faith, people, who chose to walk with Jesus, in our journey home to God, the Creator. Of late, there were just so many attacks against the Christian religion, the Christian churches and communities. etc.. etc..and yours truly, wonders, is this scenario here to stay?? That's when one asks the WHY question WHY??. Are you watching Lord?
Stories and claims may abound,like those in the Da Vinc Code, etc..etc..to me, it has no impact ..what is important is the peace and comfort I get when I enter a House of God, when I pray in front of the ghetto, when I seek his Presence in the privacy of my own home or anywhere at all and feel His Divine presence and love . The beautiful feeling of being led and guided by the Spirit and light of God; When we surrender all to Jesus and lay all our burdens and baggages at His feet, do we not actually feel the burden easing off??... We asked our Holy Mother to pray and intercede for us. We leave our prayers into the hands of Jesus and many a times miracles happens! Wham! and there is no explanations! Doesn't that tell people anything?
It is perfectly ok, if people do not believe as we do, afterall, God gave them a free will and they have the perfect right to make their choices but malicious remarks, slanders and dishonour???!! That is totally something else!!! And I wish to goodness that Religion and Beliefs remain the exclusive sacred rights of every individual and that people respect and honour each other's religious beliefs and worship. Peace!
Surely God would not allow such people to make a mockery of His Handmaiden, the Mother of His Son and question His very coming into the world- for the forgiveness of sins that Mankind may be reunited with God once more. Whether we are Catholics or Christians, we are people of Faith, people, who chose to walk with Jesus, in our journey home to God, the Creator. Of late, there were just so many attacks against the Christian religion, the Christian churches and communities. etc.. etc..and yours truly, wonders, is this scenario here to stay?? That's when one asks the WHY question WHY??. Are you watching Lord?
Stories and claims may abound,like those in the Da Vinc Code, etc..etc..to me, it has no impact ..what is important is the peace and comfort I get when I enter a House of God, when I pray in front of the ghetto, when I seek his Presence in the privacy of my own home or anywhere at all and feel His Divine presence and love . The beautiful feeling of being led and guided by the Spirit and light of God; When we surrender all to Jesus and lay all our burdens and baggages at His feet, do we not actually feel the burden easing off??... We asked our Holy Mother to pray and intercede for us. We leave our prayers into the hands of Jesus and many a times miracles happens! Wham! and there is no explanations! Doesn't that tell people anything?
It is perfectly ok, if people do not believe as we do, afterall, God gave them a free will and they have the perfect right to make their choices but malicious remarks, slanders and dishonour???!! That is totally something else!!! And I wish to goodness that Religion and Beliefs remain the exclusive sacred rights of every individual and that people respect and honour each other's religious beliefs and worship. Peace!
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