Wednesday, February 25, 2009


It is Ash Wednesday, today. To me, it is a time to ask for renewed love, for mercy, a time to ask for forgiveness for all sins committed , the many times, when the flesh was weak and God was placed second, maybe even- third or fourth, when the pleasures of the world controls our human form and God is momentarily forgotten.... It is a time when we reaffirmed that we are from God... his creation- that ...from dust we had come and from dust we shall returned. A time for renewal of faith and ties....A time of reconciliation with God above, The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit, and all that we stand for and believed in, as followers of Christ Jesus, and as people and children of God..

The early morning is such a lovely time to come before God- before the mind gets cluttered with the cares of the world and commit ourselves to Him. An early start on Ash Wednesday, to begin the reflections of the interior, and the inner self ,in preparations for Lent. Lord, that you give us the strength to deny self for you, in thanksgiving for the Holy Body and Blood of your Son,our Lord Jesus Christ and your great love for us. Let us be more conscious of our actions and deeds, thorough out this period of Lent Lord,that we may become instruments of your love to the people around us. Amen.

Marie has been very fortunate to have very good friends and angels around her to pray for her constantly. Thank you People!Glory and Praise to God!

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