Thursday, February 26, 2009

Grateful thanks to The Holy Mother

How many times, have I come before you Mother, each time drawing comfort and care and each and everytime going away reassured of your constant love and prayers . How many times has my life turned around for the better, because you prayed to the Heavenly Father for me. There is never a time, you grow weary of me and there is never a time, a prayer was left unanswered. I see you lifting up all my prayers and placing them into Jesus's hands and somehow, new paths and blessings came my way. Mother, thank you for the new beginings, thank you for the new opportunities, thank you for the goodness showered upon me . Thank you for praying along with me that God sends His angels to watch over me, all the time. And He has, unceasingly. A daughter pledges love and gratitute, and pray that Mother,your love, care and prayers surrounds her always.

Let my heart sing unending praise and worship for the eternal grace and gift of God's evergrowing love and blessings and for the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother most Holy. Amen.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


It is Ash Wednesday, today. To me, it is a time to ask for renewed love, for mercy, a time to ask for forgiveness for all sins committed , the many times, when the flesh was weak and God was placed second, maybe even- third or fourth, when the pleasures of the world controls our human form and God is momentarily forgotten.... It is a time when we reaffirmed that we are from God... his creation- that ...from dust we had come and from dust we shall returned. A time for renewal of faith and ties....A time of reconciliation with God above, The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit, and all that we stand for and believed in, as followers of Christ Jesus, and as people and children of God..

The early morning is such a lovely time to come before God- before the mind gets cluttered with the cares of the world and commit ourselves to Him. An early start on Ash Wednesday, to begin the reflections of the interior, and the inner self ,in preparations for Lent. Lord, that you give us the strength to deny self for you, in thanksgiving for the Holy Body and Blood of your Son,our Lord Jesus Christ and your great love for us. Let us be more conscious of our actions and deeds, thorough out this period of Lent Lord,that we may become instruments of your love to the people around us. Amen.

Marie has been very fortunate to have very good friends and angels around her to pray for her constantly. Thank you People!Glory and Praise to God!

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Just Musing

I was reading this article about the ridicule of the Lord Jesus and the Holy Mother by a private Israeli TV show all because of the excommunication lift on bishop Richard Williamson. This topic is probably too big for bloggers' comments , but then again, one could not help but wonder why and how this action could turned religious and resulted in malicious attacks on Jesus and Mary and from people of a nation, whose origins, so deeply rooted in the Bible. A nation so loved by God and yet they still do not believe that the Christ has come and will come again. They are still awaiting for Him to come.. Only Heaven knows why.
Surely God would not allow such people to make a mockery of His Handmaiden, the Mother of His Son and question His very coming into the world- for the forgiveness of sins that Mankind may be reunited with God once more. Whether we are Catholics or Christians, we are people of Faith, people, who chose to walk with Jesus, in our journey home to God, the Creator. Of late, there were just so many attacks against the Christian religion, the Christian churches and communities. etc.. etc..and yours truly, wonders, is this scenario here to stay?? That's when one asks the WHY question WHY??. Are you watching Lord?

Stories and claims may abound,like those in the Da Vinc Code, me, it has no impact ..what is important is the peace and comfort I get when I enter a House of God, when I pray in front of the ghetto, when I seek his Presence in the privacy of my own home or anywhere at all and feel His Divine presence and love . The beautiful feeling of being led and guided by the Spirit and light of God; When we surrender all to Jesus and lay all our burdens and baggages at His feet, do we not actually feel the burden easing off??... We asked our Holy Mother to pray and intercede for us. We leave our prayers into the hands of Jesus and many a times miracles happens! Wham! and there is no explanations! Doesn't that tell people anything?

It is perfectly ok, if people do not believe as we do, afterall, God gave them a free will and they have the perfect right to make their choices but malicious remarks, slanders and dishonour???!! That is totally something else!!! And I wish to goodness that Religion and Beliefs remain the exclusive sacred rights of every individual and that people respect and honour each other's religious beliefs and worship. Peace!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Praise and Love the Lord God, for He does wondrous things!

Glory and Praise to the Lord, my God , my Father in Heaven. The Lord has again sent angels into my life to care for me folks. He never ceases to astonish and amazes me, moving in when I most need him. Lord, that I never stop believing in you, that I never stop praising and loving you!!!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

What a Friend, we have in Jesus

"What a Friend we have in Jesus." This was and still is, one of the most popular hymns in churches and has brought many a wandering and weary traveller to the comfort of Christ Jesus, and take Refuge in Him. How beautifully the gospel of Mark tells of the mercy of the Lord; - when out of pity for the leper, Jesus had stretch out his hand, touched the leper and healed him. No one is unclean in the sight of Jesus and God. Everyone is given love, compassion and mercy. The promise of the new covenant between God and mankind. The journey with Christ is very much one of charity, a beautiful heart and love. Yes, the giving from the heart.....For many of us, including yours truly, there is a need to open our hearts a little more before we could give freely and more generously. It comes with grace from the Lord. And folks, sometimes, we are so cutting sharp and rough that it takes a while longer to smoothen and made beautiful our hearts, mind and soul. Practice love within our own circle first, Charity begins at home..... Not everyone had been called to be captains and stewards, but if we could carry out acts of love to those around us, our loved ones and our friends, our community, then we are doing just great. This morning, I was touched by thoughtfulness and care a pastor showered upon his brother. Something, all of us could emulate.
There is a need to give each other support, and friendship as a community, at all times. We all know the saying, " When you laugh, the world laughs with you but when you cry, you cry alone." Let us as a Christian community not only share in each other's joy but also be a source of comfort and support to one another ; in moments and hours of need, starting from within our own community and then reaching out to the world. at large. Do not allow a weeping brother to cry alone but be there to lend your shoulders as support and assist if you could. Lord, that we may have a beautiful heart like you!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

A Round of Applause for Fr. Amalanathan

Today's Eucharistic celebrations humbles me; I was made aware of my own short-comings. Even as I listened to Fr. Amalanathan reaching out to the congregation; even as I try to catch the message and feeling not too pleased about having to try so hard, even when I asked myself, Why is it not Fr. John? I was suddenly admonished for my selfishness-when a thought flooded my conscious. I was critical of a society which does not give healthy and capable retirees, or those aged 55 and above a chance for continued normal employment. Even if employment were given, there were so many retrictions -it has to be contract, lower pay etc... Society places a stigma on aging, without realising that one day, by the natural course of nature and creation, everyone- , irrespective of status, colour, religion and background- all, too, will grow old and walk along similar paths. The same goes for sickness, no one is immuned to the effects of aging nor could they completely prevent themselves falling ill.
The admonishing thought was: If I could not be generous and gracious to a brave person like Fr. Amalanathan, who had suffered a stroke and faced certain obvious limitations and despite that, resolved to serve God as best as he could, am I not like those I criticised? Maybe even worse!The "I" factor was so huge that I failed to see goodness and the needs of others around me. Fr. Amalanathan, bless his heart, needs the congregation to cheer him on, our support....
Like Fr. Amalanathan said, the hymn "I did not see" summed up the whole message of the Eucharistic celebration. I was so humbled. That God should sent His Son into our midst and die for us but we were so polluted that we could not see; and yet, He waited patiently until we come to our senses. Though we sin, He is still there for us. Contrite is the word. When the next hymn " Higher Hands" filled the church building, the emotions that erupted were from the heart. Really! Funny how images buried deep within the heart surfaces when we are connected with the Loving Father, the secrets that we whispers into his ears alone, the words that we could trust no one with.... There was this particular individual, who uses muscles and obstacles in every-way to drive in her hate message and it is only through God's grace that yours truly did not retaliate and got herself into any dispute. "Higher Hands" reminds me again and again, that I am not walking alone .....and the tears that swelled were not of grief or despair but gratitute and thanksgiving to the Lord God. Yes, People, 'Higher Hands" always get yours truly, all teary eyed and emotional each time, the lyrics hit the air.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Confidence in the Lord our God

If the God is with me, who can be against me? I am very much strengthen by these words. Yes, Lord, why do I fear those who seek to cause harm and hurt? Why do I fear the unknown when you are everpresent to lead and guide my every steps? Lord God, thank you for the comfort and the healing during the First Friday Holy Hour, Into your hands, I surrender everything ; in your love, provide for me, Lord God. Amen

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

A Healing Charismatic Praise & Worship Meet

A Powerful healing session! That's tonight's Charismatic Praise & Worship Meet. I am happy for the Charismatic Prayer group of OLL. They have certainly blossom and matured. God's grace is evident and very much present.I felt the connection! Folks, you have come of age! Join me people, in giving praise and glory to to the Lord God!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Counting my Blessings and thanking God

Something unexpected happened this evening. My sibling and I sat and talked about God. Yes, God was our major topic and as the conversations progressed, it dawn on me that, even as I cry anxiety and complaints, God had unceasingly blessed me with abundance, in his own way. Take for instance, this Chinese New Year, I promised myself, it shall be very, very quiet. I only intent to "chow up" the reunion dinner and then afterwards, it is sleep and rest throughout the week before reporting back to work on the 2nd, refreshed.
But it was "active movements" everyday, -I was stretched for time, as I dashed from one place to the next visiting, or if I am home, waiting for visitors, I would be busy preparing goodies for the serving. Two - I did not buy much festive "stuff" this chinese new year, because, really, I had over indulged for Christmas and am going through a very dry spell but then lo and behold! , each time someone visits, they bring me loads of goodies that my fridge overflows. Of course, there were the obligations to return visits with gifts and goodies as well, but the abundance at home took good care of that, 100%. In fact, this year, I am blessed with more goodies to eat and eat and eat, that I actually balloned one size bigger! (Bad for the figure, but what the heck? it is chinese new year after all).
And amazingly, my home is filled with more goodies than previous years, courtesy of loved ones and well wishers. I really do have alot to be grateful and thankful for. And, if that is not God's blessings, I do not know what is! And people say, there is no God???!!! Those who have that notion in their heads, think again! Be still for a moment and look around you. Let God speak to you in his own way, and soon you will be thanking God for the grace in your lives! Praise the Lord!