Tuesday, September 9, 2008

The Spirit Seminar-Baptism of the Holy Spirit

Do I believe in the Holy Spirit? Absolutely! And the atmosphere at the culmination of the Spirit Seminar was highly charged up after powerful praise and worship. I sense great anticipation- from the crowd- a certain expectation -the question in everyones' mind -"will something extraordinary touch me tonight?"

I remember my first Spirit Seminar three or was it four years ago? I was sick, down, weepy and very disorientated. Some one mentioned that the LSS, the Spirit Seminar was on in the Holy Redemeer Church and invited me along to experience the healing touch of the Holy spirit. I remembered, feeling very very heavy inside out on the first day, barely able to follow the worship session but somehow the praise and worship, flowed in and lifted me up a little and I went home more cheerful. On the second day, I was joining in the worship abeitly very self-consciously. I stood very still, with hands hanging stiffing by my side, singing almost to myself, while the others in the packed church were lifting and waving their hands up in the air, singing and praising God with their whole heart and soul. On the third day, amazingly, I found myself swaying with the rest, letting go and trusting in the power of the Holy Spirit. Yes, I wept a little; and that is, release- friends..... unloading, unburdening, helped along by the powerful prayers of others in the Seminar.
I felt very much better after that and when it was time for the "Praying over" by the Prayer Group, I found myself eagerly moving forward, with great expectation. BUT, nothing extraordinary happened to me that day, or so, I thought but friends, after that day, my recovery began, body, spirit and soul. God did not light fireworks for me that day, but his healing spirit touched me gently, and lifted me out of the quick sand of destruction. He let me know in His own way, that He is always by my side. Oh yes, I still stumble and fall. I still lose my way sometimes. Sometimes?!! Most of the time, is nearer truth. I get angry with Him, I grumbled but hey you know what friends? God is no more someone distant, high up where I cannot reach Him. He is no more someone to be feared. He has become a loving Father, an indulgent Father who is ever forgiving and ready to comfort., that's why it has become a joy talking to him.

If you did not experience anything spectacular at "the baptism of the Holy Spirit" night, friends do not think that you have not been blessed with the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is very much present and has become a part of you, I assure you. You will find many subtle changes in your life with things moving more positively in your life. Now is the time to dust away the cobwebs, remove the rubbish which kept the Spirit dormant and allow the Holy Spirit to rise forth and shine in your lives. Like Bro Mervin said, Unleash the Spirit from within you and walk in the brillance of his guiding grace.Remember to focus on the Heavenly Giver and everything else will fall into place. God bless you friends. May your faith bring you peace.

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