I chance upon the Catholic Forum whilst browsing the net and wow! the Catholic community is a huge, huge family. People are ready with words of encouragement, and love. To a person down and alone, it is a lifeline. Believe me. Just knowing that others are listening to you, caring for you, makes a great difference. It does. I wished I had chanced upon this site earlier when I was at pit bottom but
thank the Lord, I managed to keep on unloading my burdens at his feet and thus retained my peace. Now, I find that I could share my own experiences with those who are going through troubled patches in their lives and needed a listening ear. I am learning that every man and woman is frail in their own ways, everyone has their high and low points. Nobody has it all. Brothers and Sisters, there are alot of people out there who have a great need of God in their lives and yet do not know how to reach out to find the peace. So the next time, you feel that the world is treating you bad, think agan- there could be someone out there who may be going through tougher times. We should really count our blessings and thank God, for watching over us all the time. Pray that others too may receive the gift of His Healing touch and the grace of his guiding light to find peace in their hearts.

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