Father Philip from Mersing, shared the Word of God with the Parishers of Our Lady of Lourdes, Klang, in the absence of Father John, the Parish's Resident Sheperd, who is away in Sydney, Australia to attend the World Youth Day, 2008.
The importance of knowing the Bible, the Basic Pillar of the Christian Faith, The Word of God. was passionately extolled. The Catholic Church celebrates Bible Sunday, emphasising the serious need for the people of God to know and understand His word and rightly so. We, who are of the Christian Faith and of the Catholic Community, how are we
to follow and live up to the teachings of Christ Jesus if we do not study the Bible and have basic if not excellent knowledge of the Word of God? Can we understand what we do not know? Can we carry out his commandments if we do not read His Word and see for ourselves what is close to His Heart? It is wonderful that we have the Parish priest, the church elders and leaders to constantly remind us to carry out good and charitable deeds as befitting of a faith community. However nothing is more powerful and enlightening than reading, studying, understanding the Bible ourselves and allowing the teachings of Christ Jesus to flow into our minds and hearts and allowing His spirit to guide us to follow in his footsteps. Nothing is more fruitful and amazing than the awakening of the willing spirit within which rises up to bond with the Holy Spirt and in so doing carry out the will of God, in the manner pleasing to Him.

Therefore People, Do not stress yourselves; pace, prepare yourselves, do not try to do more than what you can too fast, lest you burn out and become like the seeds that fell on rocky grounds that immediately sprang up but when the sun came up, they were scorched and withered away. (Mt. 13: 1:23) God has given each of us different gifts and abilities. Prepare yourselves and work within the gifts and abilities given you. Do not compare yourselves with others. In the Parable of the Sower and His Seeds-The seeds fell on to different places and on different terrains. Not only does it tells us to open our minds, nourish it and allow the word of God to thrive and grow, but it also draws emphasis to the different enviroment,circumstance and society, we live in.
Therefore do not be anxious to live up to the expectations of others, do not try to please too much, too fast but act out the will of God according to your means and abilities...use the Word of God to guide you through the right paths of life and you will surely be at peace with the Lord and yourself.
Father Philip's little story of the beautiful colourful stones, washed and smoothen by waves, in his comparision to the sharp edges in peoples' lives which causes them to hurt others in their lives is very relevant. It will take a great deal of time and efforts, understanding and love, to smoothen away the sharp, hurtful edges jutting from the frames of people in our lives, and cutting us, especially , people we care for , but you know people, the remedies and healings is in the Word of God, the parables and teachings of our Lord Jesus. The key is to trust in Him, Surrender whatever hurts and burdens we have and lay them at His Feet and you will find that the sharp edges no longer draws blood and cutting less. In time to come, it just ceases to bother and attitudes change, theirs and ours. At the end of the day, we all live new lives; reborn.
Thank you Father Philip for sharing the Word of God with the parishers of The Church of Our Lady of Lourdes, Klang.
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