The tugging feeling started at around 3.15p.m. this afternoon. The great need to attend the evening's Charismatic Praise and Worship at Our Lady of Lourdes Church Klang and the feelings persisted even when I reached home. I wanted to stay h
ome; it had been a long day but no, the voice within kept on urging ...nagging must go. And So, I said alright Lord, I will go and so I went. Just what could be so special that I am so drawn to attend, this evening's session, I wondered.

The membership has certainly grown and with active participation from some very dynamic and enthusiastic youths. Choice of hymns -fanastic! Powerful renditions; outpouring of healing grace, the essence of a Charismatic prayer and worship session. I was totally drawn into the Spirit as I joined in the thanksgiving- joyous voices rose in great gusto to praise and worship the Lord with sheer abandonment; just allowing the Spirit to lead and direct our motions and movements. Amazingly bonding, united, one with the Spirit!
The guest speaker for the night? Bro. Mervin Ratnasingam. He was there with his lovely wife and two beautiful young kids. I am a believer of the Charismatic movement but not yet a regular member..
Nothing prepared me for the God given talent in the speaker for the night - the raw passion, the clarity of his message , great innotation and diction! The makings of a great evangelist! A lesson delivered with clear knowledge and understanding of the Word of the Lord! An entirely new approach in delivering his topic of the day " For the Joy of the Lord is your Strength". Nahemiah 8:10 Presented with great conviction , passion and in a totally new perpective ! Very refreshing, exceptionally lively, funny yet intense. Even when, he had us in stitches and holding on to the sides of our stomachs, the intended message was not lost-the theme of the evening rings out loud and clear. We need to cultivate and create joy in our lives, focusing on the joy of the Lord-what brings joy to the Lord, what pleases the Lord and that will act as our strength,in carrying out the will of the Lord and drawing the inward flow of joy back into our lives.
Let me share some important pointers I learnt . CHARA ( meaning rejoice, be glad, full of joy ) and CHARIS (grace) Two soul inspiring words,. complementing Nahemiah 8:10 "For the Joy of the Lord is our Strength." Indeed to have joy, there must be grace. And "that my joy may be in you and your joy will be full" John 15:11. Joy cannot come to us unless we make a conscious effort to want, to invite and welcome it into our lives through carrying out the wishes and will of the Lord (His Commandments ) and emulating the goodness of the Lord. When you do good to someone, and witness the difference you have made in his life,does it not gladden your heart and make you feel at the top of the world?
The key word is to "CREATE and made aware the need to have Joy in our everyday lives, and then work towards making it a permanent fixture in our lives. Bro Mervin describes it as an" attitude" thing. Yes it certainly appears to be. There must be a determination to want joy in our lives, to choose joy over sadness. Once created it will flow out like a fountain of love , spreading round and around, filling our cups to the brim and we cannot have all this without drawing on the strength of the Lord. " I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in me and I in him, he , it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing." John 15: 5
A remarkable sharing indeed. Bro Mervin, you have certainly utilised the blessings of the Lord well. Praise the Lord! Like you brother, once upon a time, I too detested those who love to use the three words "Praise the Lord." on and on...I thought well perhaps, a little fanatical huh? Today, these three littl
e words have become big time words in my life and it flows easily from my lips! Praise the Lord again ! Amen!

Thank you Brother, I thoroughly enjoyed the session, and yes, Thank you Lord, you know best!
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