It was raining but when I reach the church building a good ten minutes before the Healing Mass started at 10.00a.m, the parking lots were jammed full, so it had to be parking out in the rain in the small vacant lot behind the church building. The church was packed as well; but thank goodness, I managed to secure two seats . Appears, I was late.
The large turnout tells me how beloved, the Blessed Mother is in the lives of each and everyone of us. I guess, even if it floods, we will find people with umbrellas, wading their way into the church building, to thank her and appeal for her intercessions , especially on this day, 80th anniversary of Our Lady of Lourdes Church Klang.
I felt an air of expectancy, in church this morning, there must be a lot of people wanting to be healed, that their wishes and needs had transformed into a powerful prayer before the Holy Mother, and be carried up to our Lord, Jesus Christ and answered by the Holy Father in heaven. Father John, our parish shepherd was right to the dot when he said, people have come in with varied needs and prayers for different healing in their lives. It need not be anything physical like illnesses, it could be hidden pain and conflicts within the inner self, family, unforgiveness and unspeakable baggages in our lives. There is nothing, we cannot bring before Jesus, before God and surrender them at his feet. With the Holy Mother praying for us, miracles will certainly take place. Those of us who run to the Holy Mother for comfort will attest that her intercessions , does indeed get our prayers answered. So people, if you have come in with expectations today, it means, you have come with faith and that faith will heal you, whatever your needs. Just don't go looking for proof or signs of healing, let the power of God work for you in His own way and before you know it, that baggage or burden will be gone; perhaps even without you consciously knowing it.
We have four priests on hand to serve and lead us through our healing session. The Parishioners of our Lady of Lourdes Church , Klang are indeed blessed. Thank you Rev Fathers. Even the bells that announced the start of the healing mass, resounded with joy. I don't know about you folks, but I heard the powerful joyous ringing and closed my eyes, to let the musical tones fill my heart. It did and I was gladden. The Lord's Prayer-The Our Father was especially powerful this morning. I must have said this prayer a thousand and one times or even more but nothing was so beautiful, as it was, this morning. Every phrase, every word came alive in the spiritual presence of God. I must thank our parish priest Father John and his dedicated team of brother priests, for leading us through this particular healing process with use of simple but powerful, soul touching words to expose the sicknesses from within so that the roots that chains us to our pains, dislodged themselves from our hearts -and we surrender them to God. At your feet, Lord, we unburden our pains and baggages!! That moment of release, allows the comfort and love of God to flow into our hearts, that our spirits breaks forth in praise and worship of our Lord God.The Healing Mass today is indeed power packed, Praise the Lord!
The Healing hymns too were so appropriate, that it touches the hearts of many. I heard many sniffs around me. People were shedding tears of release. We asked that God gives us the grace to forgive others for the wrongs they do to us and we ask that He forgives us of our own sins. It was awesome! Just recalling the beautiful moments, teared me. Those who were not at the Healing mass at Our Lady of Lourdes Church Klang, this morning, you have missed out on something very extraordinary. Perhaps next year...
Marie Lee thanks the Holy Mother for the awesome moments of joy and release experienced during the Healing Mass this morning. It could only be, your smiles upon me dear Mother of God .. Thank you for your love and never ending intercessions.
In our gratitude and praise of the Holy Mother, let us remember to give due thanks and glory to God always for his everpresence in our lives. That is what the Holy Mother would want us to do- to be reconciled with God and keep him in our hearts, mind and soul.. always. Glory be to the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit forever and ever, Amen.
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