Whenever I had a need to find anything, it is always, "St. Anthony, please help me" and the prayers were always answered. So when I saw the poster invitation to attend the feast day of this great Saint in Carey Island, I thought why not? After all, I had never been to this chapel nor to Carey Island for that matter. It was definitely a good opportunity, especially as there was a bus going from St. Anne's church and there were still plenty of seats available, and so it was that I found myself on the bus enroute to Carey Island, at 8.30a.m.., Sunday, 15th June 2008.
I had always visualised Carey Island to be some what like Pangkor, surrounded by sea. In my mind, there was this narrow bridge, yes, rickery old bridge, leading into the island,with vehicles crawling slowly in, one after another and splashing water beneath the bridge... So you can image just how surprised I was, to find nothing that even remotely resembled an island.
It was a pretty fast and smooth ride. Once entering Panglima Garang, there was already clear road signs showing directions to the "Island". I saw a small river and that was about it. Infact it was more plantation, Sime Darby Plantations more than anything else- miles and miles of oil palms. The Chapel, was as they said, some 15km into the interior. I did however see a signboard indicating "beach" at the opposite direction from the way to the chapel. Upon arriving at the chapel, another surprise! Awesome!A huge turnout and in such a remote location. And the chapel ? It is actually quite modern, nothing like the wooden structure of my active imagination.

All seatings , surrounding the three sides of the chapel were fully taken up. The interior of the chapel was packed to the brim. We were there for the 10.30a.m. mass which was supposed to be in English but most of it was conducted in Tamil. Charged up ,as I was for the praise and worship, I ended up less connected ; you know, short of the spiritual element and closeness with God, due to the inability to fully understand and follow the worship etc.. in Tamil. But the homily in Tamil and English was soul searching and powerful enough. Don't get me wrong, the celebrations, were great. As Father said, so many people worked so hard to make this Feast celebrations, a special occasion for those who seek the intercession and prayers of St Anthony. But ,it would have made a greater difference if we could follow the whole mass in English.

What amazes me though, were the generosity of the brethen and well wishers from Carey Island. Free flowing lunch, and soft drinks , even ice cream, yes, ice cream were provided to all. By free flowing, I really meant free flowing. Chicken, mutton, vegetables, etc.. etc..were plentiful, and generous portions were piled on to the plates of all who took lunch and yet so much more were still available. I was told by some brethren that people just kept coming in with their food donations . Amazing how generous people in smaller areas/towns are. As I watch the bountiful feasting , the thought that entered my head was" Wow!St Anthony must have been working and praying real hard for the people of Carey Island, and they in gratitute have come to offer thanksgivings and share their good fortune with others."The atmosphere was really carnival like and joyous. Total strangers smile and greet you. I was blessed to meet up with this lovely lady, Gladys who went out of her way to make me feel welcome and cared for. I enjoyed her stories from yester-days and I shall definitely include them into my collection of treasures, with a tribute of thanks.
We had gone to St Anthony's Feast for spiritual food and fulfillment, but the generous brethren of St. Anthony's provided more; food for the physicial body as well, and they really fed us well.
Many thanks, brethen of St. Anthony and Carey Island.
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