Monday, August 24, 2009

From the Eyes and Heart of MarieLee

Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary- 7th September 2009
Church of Our Lady of Lourdes, Klang-Lit. Celebrations-6.00p.m.-8.30p.m.
Come Pray to the Holy Mother. Come Honour Her.

Time and again, the question arises why Mary, The Mother of God is held in such esteemed, to the point of worship, by Catholics. Many a times, Marie was told, that as Christians, we should only worship, Christ Jesus, the Risen Lord and Son of the Most High God. Marie was told, nothing is mentioned in the Bible that we should worship the Blessed Virgin Mary, after all, she was mortal, a human being, abeitly, the handmaiden of God. My Christian brethren outside the Catholic church, tells me it is wrong to pray to the Holy Mother let alone worship her. Some even ventured that it is sinful. As a mother and a woman, this hurts , and as an ardent believer in the miraculous intercession of the Holy Mother, I find their statements unbelievable. Is praying sinful? We as children of our parents, "worship" our parents, least, the older generations did...Some cultures prostrate themselves at their parent's feet as an act of love, a respect . and of course to get blessings..

The commandment given to Moses and honoured till today states that “ Thou shalt honour Thy Father and Mother”. God had sent his only begotten Son into this world to die and redeemed the sins of this world. The Blessed Virgin Mary was the chosen vehicle, singled out by God to be the Mother of his only son, Jesus. Surely the son--, our Lord Christ Jesus, would want the whole world to honour his Mother. So too, The Lord God would not want any disrespect for his chosen handmaiden. Our God is a God of Honour and Love. Having given The Blessed Virgin Mary the honour and the privilege to bear his Son and be part of the salvation plan for mankind, would God forget her, Mary after her task is done? Would God let her memory fade after she so trustfully and faithfully carried out his Will? Would God consider our prayers to her as sinful???Would not our God held her in high regards??

The Blessed Virgin Mary is the mother of Faith and Trust, of the deepest kind. She shared in the passion of the Lord; her heart bled and was cut to a million pieces when she followed her son's journey into crucifixion and when they crucified him. The day, the blood of her son Jesus, flowed to redeemed the world, in accordance to the Will of the Father, the grace and love of God enhanced her. Even though she knows her son came to fulfill the promise of the Father, still she was drenched in the sweat and hurt of his sufferings and pain. The Holy Mother felt his pain. A mother’s pain. It was this great act of sacrifice, love, obedience, trust and courage, that she is blessed forever, and so revered. When we honour The Lord Jesus, we honour His Mother. Never forget that it was the Blessed Virgin Mary who first received the Holy Spirit, in her immaculate conception of her son, Jesus, the Son of God. Luke 1:35.

It is my deepest belief and faith that God answers prayers, the difficult ones that is, if we ask the Holy Mother to intercede for us. Sometimes, our prayers are not earnest and faithful enough be answered… yes, brothers and sisters..... We need the Mother of God, to whisper in a few good words on our behalf. She had found great favour with God when she was chosen to be the mother of His Son and gained greater favour when she shared in His Passion. She was and is the great vehicle of the new convenant promised mankind. Let us always remember that. And let us also remember that as a faithful Handmaiden of God and a loving Mother, the first wish of the Holy Blessed Mother would also be for us to first and foremost worship, honour and love Her Son, our Lord and Our God and to glorify the Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit, in eternity.

Marie can think of no other words to honour the Holy Mother of God, except in the greetings of the Angel Gabriel “Hail Mary, Full of Grace the Lord is with Thee” Luke 1: 28

Sunday, August 23, 2009

An uplifting Eucharistic celebrations , it was, this morning. The hymns so beautiful and , the words so inspiring. It brought to mind, the many things we need to surrender to the Lord. Broken dreams and wishes still unfulfilled, and really, most of us are just not tall enough to touch let alone, pluck the stars, unless someone up there sends an angel to lift us up so that we could pick our choice of stars, and walk the choices, we made. And even then, we still need that strength , the wisdom and the light to complete that journey with top marks. KPI is the word of the day!!!
It was a beautiful Eucharistic celebrations and the family heartily agreed with me.. Maybe it was also due to the fact that the mike was well positioned and we could hear the message loud and clear and folks, this morning, our shepherd touched our hearts.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Conversations with God

My words, my conversations
Are with You alone Oh God,
The Message from my heart
The thoughts that flows
are only for you,
For you, My Lord God..

None could understand,
nor could they comprehend
Just what means the words
The outpouring from my heart..

I do not desire attention
Nor I , the applause
Just a release of thoughts
And cherish moments
Speaking to my
Dear God..

copyright Marielee

Monday, August 17, 2009

Glory to You, Supreme God Most High, we may come to you in different ways, yet we were from the same clay, you had moulded and breath life into...Like little children, we clamboured and fight for their Father's Attention. Dear God, Breath your peace upon the people, you have created , that the wisdom of understanding would flourish in each and every heart and all may live as one, all colours uniting as one, all boundaries and borders demolished for ever..

Sunday, August 16, 2009


Marie was so looking forward to continuing the Sunday’s Videos on Bible knowledge the Catholic way. She had found it exceptionally enriching ..but guess what happened ??Her car broke down and , it started raining cats and dogs! Perhaps Message from above to stay home ..
Guess, that’s ok because earlier today, she received a good dose of vitamins for the soul- and it was really good vitamins.. Believe me People!

Friday, August 14, 2009

Battling the conscience

Life is indeed a constant battle within the inner self -God or self??? Even the very religious could attest that there are times , self really overshadows God. Strange but it happens..Times when the "I" became so very prominent that we loses sight of the Balance in our lives- God. I guess, that's being human, and so very Adam & Eve, !. It must be difficult for God to have children like us. When our kids hurt us, we wallowed in self pity. For God it is not 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 kids! It is a universe load of children, each with their unique speciality of self and self and self!! Really there is non but God qualified enough to carry out this Father role. Mere mortals like us could not even last a minute and that is why, despite the constant battle within, God still shine in our lives. And we need that shine believe me!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

To You have I raged
Anger and disappointment
Like tempest strewn
Destruction and dust
The mountain of Trust

Though I stomp and cried
You held on to me tight
The tears may cloud
The bruised heart taking
The paths, the ways not
Of Thy Light
But Dear God, You
Stayed on by my side

You patiently watch my
Acts of distrust
Reaching out to steady
And protect
Watchful eyes, doting
Gentle warmth thrusting
out the chill of the

And When the storm had
And the Thrashings ceased,
In remorse and contrite
heart ,
I look for Thee..
Ever loving, ever comforting;
Thy understanding smile
Is all I see-
Thy presence reassuringly near…
And then-
Dear God, I realised
Again I have wronged Thee...

copyright Marielee

Saturday, August 8, 2009


Eighth day of August,
The year Two Thousand
And Nine
Unto God, I Place
Fifty Six torches to Bless,
...and light
The Pathways, that I
To accomplish the tasks
Given me…

Oh That the Heavens may
And the gifts that I long
Granted me…
This prayer Dear God
Please receive.
Though Heaven I long
And God, I cherish
A journeying traveller
Has much to seek
This passage of life-
God’s destined paths
Yet to complete….

Oh God, Your Gift of peace;
The Fruits of the Earth
and the Heavens to give..
In Your hands, my Faith and trust
The Promise , the Splendours

of your Providence
Surpassing all time….

Fifty Six Torches, Dear God
I ask , that You shield and Bless!


A simple thank you from my Heart
A True companion, Who never leaves
My Side
Through Ups and Downs
The Roller Coaster Ride
His assuring Presence by my

His Strength so amazing
His Might unrivalled
His Love, no one could
Pure and sparkles
Throughout the walks
Of my life….

My Lord and My God
How could I not marvel
Your beauty, Your great
How could I not sing
This song of praise
Glowing from my heart…
The Peace that flows from
A fulfilling gift indeed !

Sunday, August 2, 2009

People who enters a House of God, in one way or another hungers for the Word of God, Food for the Soul..but you know how we humans can be...if we do not get enough nutrients, we have this bad habit of eating junks to fill up the tummy....But I must say, there are enough nutrients flowing.around ..its great teaching and great stuff, I am learning everyday, this afternoon, I learn a few more things, I never knew..
This morning, I made a call to God, and this afternoon, I felt like we had this great conversation and Marie learns that in every situation, there is God, sometimes, it is more about giving, and learning to love the other, people who cannot help not being able to do what you had expected of them. They really do not have any choice. And sometimes, even the very able Super Shepherds also needs some rest. It is about giving, it is about caring a little for those who had been called to serve. It is also about giving encouragement and appreciation to the sick who dispite their disabilities , still resolve to go about their duties faithfully. It is learning not to judge, and be more Christian.