What better way to start off the Chinese New Year, than worshipping and thanking God! Today' s message is a reminder to all of us seeking a happy and prosperous Chinese New Year, not to fret , for the Lord God knows what we need and will surely provide abundantly for us. "And do not seek what you are to eat and what you are to drink, nor be of anxious mind, for your Father in heaven knows that you need them" Luke 12:29-30 I don't know about you folks, but as I enter the year of the OX with anxiety, what with all the predictions of gloom and doom; I am immensely comforted by this timely reminder that God knows exactly what I need and will surely take good care of me.

Fate or Faith? As a person of faith, I naturally agree with our good Rev that Faith should dominate over the fate issue and yet, there is also the belief that fate is something pre-destined by God. Our paths has been set by God, and yes, we should walk in trust and faith, no matter how narrow and treacherous the pathway....for Higher Hands will surely lead us safely home. It is just that sometimes, the human in us, or rather in me, rebel and I ask , "why so many blind corners Lord?" why not just zap! and make straight every path, I walk in, so that I see clearly and travel smoothly? After all, all things come from You, God, and all it needs is for You to say the word and it shall be done...
Do you folks ask as many "why" questions as me? It is not that I do not know the answer, I know the answers well enough, but yet there are times , I want to walk with certainty... No anxiety, no risks...just plain sailing... Really, I am envious of those whose trust and faith never weakens, and I pray for that day, when I too stop questioning , and just believe...
I am particularly touched by the prayers for ancestors. Remembering them at the start of a new year..it is a wonderful way of honouring them and keeping touch with our roots...Honouring our fathers and mothers, opportune reminder in the morning of a new year. Yes, if we do that , surely, we shall gain the same honour and respect from our own children.Sometimes, it is simple acts and reminders like these that awakens the heart and soul; binds the hearts of the congregration and their families together. ... thoughtful words and prayers that heals wavering and anxious hearts and draw them into the comfort of the Lord God. Yes, certainly, we shall have a good year because God, Father, You are watching over us!